View Full Version : Really had enough.

28-02-11, 19:23
Right here i go again,my back/ribs/knees hurt so much...im at the end as i cannot take anymore worry,my fear is you know what,im not going to say the word but im sure you can all guess it. My other half says its our mattress and me kneeling all day thats causing my pain?? my mattress is i admit knackered ie when i lie on it the squashes down so much im lying on blooming metal...i also kneel on the floor alot during the day when im on the laptop..is he right?? also we dont sleep in the same bed..dont ask lol..so i cant compare my pains to him as he sleeps in a different bed.:whistles:

28-02-11, 20:17
Why would you get you know what , in your back, knees and ribs .

Its probably your mattress !


28-02-11, 20:35
"Its scary though..im scared that if i dont see my Gp then if its cancer then it might be too late when its found..since July ive has a pelvic and abdomen ultrasound,upper scope/lower scope and bloods done twice also inflammation blood makers done,all fine,im scared to let go,incase i leave my kids without a mum...im on antidepressants,i feel movements in my upper back..like a crawling under the skin feeling..could that be muscle twitching or just nerves.. "

Hi Sandy ....^^^

You posted this some 10 weeks , you,ve had loads of test Hun :yesyes:, its anxiety or your matress or both .
I got burning skin , back pain , evil neck pain , under arm pain , pains in my testicles (to much info sorry !) , stomach issues , burning back , globus feeling and swallowing issues when i was at my worse . I was convinced i had you know what , somewhere and wouldn,t see xmas . No one could tell me otherwise . Things improved on the meds i,m on , i,m not perfect but when i look back I CANT BELIEVE IT WAS ANXIETY !
I got under arm pain again today , i,ve ignored it and its gone not had this for two months . I know why i had to take my son to the doctors and a few old symtyms came back :weep::weep:

When you believe its anxiety or your mattress you will feel better

Any chance you could switch mattress,s with your husband !


01-03-11, 15:45
Hi i feel just awful today,i just feel so bad.Back pain is really bad,i feel so weak and theres a tightness around my rib area,i feel i cannot breathe properly plus i feel my neck glands are up!! Mel 2 you said Globus feeling..also both my breasts are very tender and my periods not due for another 2 weeks..sorry if thats tmi..x

01-03-11, 16:29
Hi i feel just awful today,i just feel so bad.Back pain is really bad,i feel so weak and theres a tightness around my rib area,i feel i cannot breathe properly plus i feel my neck glands are up!! Mel 2 you said Globus feeling..also both my breasts are very tender and my periods not due for another 2 weeks..sorry if thats tmi..x

Hi Sandy

Sorry to here your still not feeling right . The globus feeling is the lump feeling in my throat it comes and goes .
I,ve had swollen glands last year , one under my arm and in my neck , throat area didn,t find out what caused these either , got checked at the hospital and by the time the appointment came etc they had gone down ?

The tightness around your ribs and you feeling like you can,t breath properly sounds exactly like Anxiety . I,m sure your fine . Have you tried going for a walk to take your mind off things , it works for me but i know how difficult it can be to motivate yourself when your feeling anxious and down .
mel :hugs:

01-03-11, 16:44
Hi im out everyday,ive two kids and we walk to and from school, im wanting off my meds and back on my old ones..but my GP is not keen..im sore under arms and shoulders its never ending if i wasnt a mum then i wouldnt be so worried but im scared im leaving my 2 kids..they need me and it breaks my heart that you know what might be everywhere in my body..x

01-03-11, 18:21
I had the soreness under both arms (i think i convinced myself at the time that you know what was spreading everywhere )
My neck was chronic , i couldn,t sleep , my shoulders ached and my skin felt like it was on fire , also the top of my thighs ached . It all dissapeared over months but at the time all the pain was very very real . I also had ear ache aswell to put the top hat on it .

I,m glad your active i just did nothing but sat and worried about it .

01-03-11, 19:54
Hi,the top of my thighs get sore too..is it really all anxiety?? im scared to believe it..im on facebook and if anyone read my posts there you'd think i was a happy carefree person..i wish i was that person but its a cover..my right rib gets a tight feeling sometimes,its happening alot lately,i had a ultrasound in Dec to check for gallstones but it was clear...oh blooming heck...

01-03-11, 20:53
The top of my thighs went sore because when i googled and i thought you know what had spread from one arm to the other to the glands in my upper thighs . Again the pain was very very real , the more i thought about it the worse they got . Then i would go all hot and cold and my shoulders were acheing and my body was on fire . My neck ached so much i couldn,t sleep . Then i got pains under my chin , with the chronic sore throat i had at the time , i thought you no what , had spread to you know where .
I spent two weeks on the couch as i couldn,t sleep with all the worry and pain .

Then my testicles started acheing (sorry to much info) i then thought i had you know what , you deffinately know where ..lol..

The whole cycle continued for months untill my stomach set on fire with all the stress . Like you i had blood tests but the relief was short lived .
Next worry was my stomach (still got this) but i now focused on you know what you know where , my other symtyms slowly went .

The cycle broke when i got put on citralapram 20 mg , its a good job one doctor could see what was happening as the otheres didn,t , but why would they i didn,t know myself .

I really truely believe what you have is ANXIETY . Do you take any meds , sorry if i,ve asked before , just thinking they might help to break up the cycle of negative thoughts like they did for me . I,m not perfect but i,m getting a grip on things (fingers crossed)

Hope this helps :hugs:

01-03-11, 22:47

pain in the groin or thigh area are typical symptoms of ibs and i get ALL the symptoms with that! like a dull ache that you want to stretch out and it can really hurt, sometimes i could chop my legs off with it!

i also get terrible back pain. mine started with sciatica which the osteopath got rid of for me. i managed a year and i'm always suffering with back pain and tingly toes plus my big toe is permanently numb on the tip now, so it's just plain simple back pain, sometimes it's really bad, sometimes it's ok. it's one of the things i just put up with now, but i do swim and it does help - on your back with your hips pushed up as there is no strain anywhere in your back swimming this way.

i know what you mean about leaving your kids, i'm exactly the same, but this will make your anxiety worse!

hayley x

02-03-11, 07:34
Hi...i had a colonoscopy last dec and it was clear..my bowel movements are either weeks of loose stools or i can be bloated and not pass much..sorry for that info..im so sore..lower back/knees/rib area esp the right side and my thighs can get sore,my feet too,im on Mirtazapine 30mg have been on them since January but i didnt take it last night..daft i know.but i want back on my old med Duloxetine...im also on Pregabalin...oh yikes im scared..