View Full Version : black coating on tongue

28-02-11, 19:49
Hi for the last week im having to scrub my tongue really hard to get rid of this black coating that keeps formong my husband says it could be some medication ive took but the only different thing ive took are colpermin for ibs but last week i had a itchy throat and actually fell to sleep with a strepsil on my tongue for ages in the night im wandering if that has caused some inbalance of the normal bacteria on my tongue like antibiotics can do in your stomache or does that sound silly x

28-02-11, 20:11
Id ring for a docs advice but im sure you be fine!

28-02-11, 20:12
i fell asleep the other day with a strepsil in my mouth too..... my tongue turned yellow, it was a honey and lemon one :) It could be something to do with the medication you have been taking.

28-02-11, 20:34
Pepto-Bismol can make your tongue black for a short time.

02-03-11, 22:50
Maybe a silly question, but had you been drinking red wine? I used to drink red wine and wash my mouth out before bed with mouth wash and my tongue used to turn black and still be black in the morning.

06-03-11, 23:54
No mightypc i havent been drinking red wine x

07-03-11, 00:03
ok so is it still black as you posted this a week ago?