View Full Version : just wondering

28-02-11, 21:33
just wondering if anyone on forum is on the old tricyclic antidepressants for anxiety and depression?
I have been on intermittantly Lofepramine during the day and Dothiepin at night
for agitated anxiety and depression .
This combination worked very well with only dry mouth side effects and drowsiness in first two weeks .
SSRI drugs I couldnt tolerate at all ......anxiety through the roof and vomiting.

It seems from reading here that gps dont prescribe these drugs any more . it seems a pity .yes there is more risk if taken in overdose .........but a very helpful addition to the armoury I feel .x

28-02-11, 21:49
just wondering if anyone on forum is on the old tricyclic antidepressants for anxiety and depression?
I have been on intermittantly Lofepramine during the day and Dothiepin at night
for agitated anxiety and depression .
This combination worked very well with only dry mouth side effects and drowsiness in first two weeks .
SSRI drugs I couldnt tolerate at all ......anxiety through the roof and vomiting.

It seems from reading here that gps dont prescribe these drugs any more . it seems a pity .yes there is more risk if taken in overdose .........but a very helpful addition to the armoury I feel .x

hi there,
I remember about 4 yrs ago i was on a med called dosulepin through out my 3rd pregnancy as my doc at the time thought it was a safer one to be on rather than the citalopram dont remember it causing me any problems and did well for me the whole way,but not long after i had the baby i had to go back to to the cit cause the dos stopped working.

02-03-11, 11:00
I am on Dosulepin and have been for years, so it is still available. It seems to suit my needs.

02-03-11, 11:28
Hi Snowgoose, I was on clomipramine from November 2002 until September 2009 and it worked well for me, although I did have quite bad side effects (huge weight gain and a very bad sweating problem). I eventually came off them because the biggest dose I was able to tolerate wasn't really effective when some difficult things happened in my life.

I definitely agree the older drugs still have their place - from what I've read they are every bit as effective as SSRIs, but tend to have worse side effects. I was prescribed clomip by a psychiatrist. Perhaps they are more comfortable with prescribing them than GPs nowadays (or GPs just can't see beyond SSRIs) xx