View Full Version : Pain and a big wimp..

28-02-11, 23:15
Hi Everyone,

Well I wish I was not a big wimp with pain. At the moment my back hurts down one side and thigh, leg hurts think I must be a trapped nerve. It is so painful, hurts when I sit, walk, etc. God I am a wimp. It getting on my nerves. Carrying shopping in the house and was in pain. Grrrrr.

Has any of you had a trapped nerve and how did you get rid of yours ?.

Just was wondering on your opinions , views and experiences.



28-02-11, 23:20
You're not a wimp....it hurts!! It's a matter of time..it will go. Maybe try to do some stretching exercises (on the floor). x

28-02-11, 23:26
hello :)

can you take Ibuprofen tablets ? they help with pain and inflammation taken regularly.
had this before and it does take a while to settle down. horrid . x

28-02-11, 23:32
Got rid of mine years ago by standing up straight against a wall on my tip toes , hurt like hell but went within hours after suffering bfor a week . Your not a wimp its bloody painfull !

03-03-11, 19:06
Hi Everyone.

Thanks everyone who replied.

Hmm the pain is still here, grrr. Sorry. I have taken allsorts, Co-codamol and Ibuprofen, I think that sort of eases it a bit. At lunch time only walked around town for a bit then walked to my english class, I was in agony. Started from foot all way up leg to my back. Its all like down one side, when you touch my side its very sore. The pain killers sort of eases the pain, but not totally if you see what I mean.

Im sick of it really. Can't get comfy at all, even in bed. Oh well, I hope it goes aways soon. Not sure if I should go to the drs or not.

Exercises, did it work for you. What sort of stretching?? sorry just was wondering and did it help and work for you to get rid of the pain.

I know having a hot bath is lovely, but unfortunately you can't spend all day in it. lol.


09-03-11, 16:49
Hi Everyone

Just a quick update, still have the pain. Totally had enough and made myself an appointment to see a dr. Its totally getting on my nerves and the pain is making me feel so sick. I am seeing a different dr to normal as she wasn't available. Hopefully my man will take me and go in the room with me. I am nervous about it and things. I know if I get reffered to physio its like a 3 months waiting list, as my mum has been reffered and she is on the list.

I just hope this pain goes away. hmmm. I suppose we will see.


09-03-11, 17:12
I've had back pain for some time and am finally getting it looked into and its getting better. i would advise go to the docs as at mine I had to have the pain for 3 weeks before they would refer me to a back clinic. The docs will do a few checks to make sure its nothing too nasty. Then my advice would be to go and see a private physio/chiropractor or osteopath. Its not too expensive and think my back probs would have been sorted much quicker if I'd have done that in the first place.
Hope you feel better soon.

10-03-11, 16:22

How much was it where you live to see a physio/chiropractor ?? I was thinking about it but don't think I can afford it. Some places are like £50 to see them for a assessment, that is not including any treatment. Hmmm just not sure. I guess it is a case of wait and see.

Had to go out today, and its so windy, deffo not good for my back. hmm.
