View Full Version : Please Help!!! -- Serious Anxiety, or serious illness??!! :-(

01-03-11, 09:09
Hi there,

I don't really know where to begin. I suffer from HA, and recently it has been getting worse.....I think.!! Over the last couple of weeks, I can kind of sense my head more. Sorry if that doesnt really make much sense, but what I mean is it feels, heavy almost!? Like there is pressure.....but I do not have headaches. Also, my eyes feel tired a lot of the time.
I feel like I am shaking only I don't think I am really......and there is just a general tingling in my body! Like there is something flowing through me?!
Does any of this sound similar to anything anyone else has had......

My step brother, 27, has just been told his 3rd brain tumor is inoperable....which is awful, I found out on Friday. He has been battling this since 09. I have done drugs in my time, not ridiculous amounts, and not to addiction level...but I am soooo scared that these new symptoms are a brain tumor. I know it's unlikely but what if it is that...... I just feel like i'm not really on the planet properly.
My other half says it's just the worry for my brother coming out via my condition.....but when will it stop!! I am going to the dr's monday to see what he thinks....and also have my first hypnotherapy session booked next friday....but what if I'm really ill.....

PLease someone help me.....really don't know what to do now:weep:xxx

01-03-11, 09:17
Hi Stephie

I can identify how you are feeling as I started to get all sorts of neurological symptoms after my mother had a brain haemorrhage when I was a student. I became convinced that I'd got a brain tumour, as I was getting severe dizziness, numb patches all over my face and head, feelings of everything being unreal, headaches and sleep disturbances. This went on for months and months and I really thought I was dying.

You've just had a huge shock about your stepbrother and it's actually very common to get "sympathy" symptoms in response to this sort of news. I suggest you go and see your GP as you need some extra support to help you through this.

01-03-11, 09:29
HI there,

Thank you for your message. Do you really think that's all it is!!? Why do anxiety symptoms have to feel so awful....... I feel so selfish worrying about whether I have something wrong with me or not when my brother is facing what he is facing!!:-(
I do take 20mg citalopram and have done for about 6months, but they don't seem to be working now, hence the trip to the Dr's on MOnday...but what do I say to him!! ?
