View Full Version : Having repeat ultrasound today

01-03-11, 10:24
I had a pelvic ultrasound cos I am perimeno for past 3 yrs and all sorts of issues and 18 months ago had a large ovarian cyst on right ovary that resolved itself but not before having to have mri and bloods:scared15: to be sure it was benign.
I asked for an ultrasound as it was a year since my last one and as nothing is normal anymore the Dr agreed.
So had my ultrasound 6 weeks ago and they found a small cyst on my lefrt ovary which they said looked just like a follicular one in other words the ones you get before ovulation but as I had just finished a period they said I needed a repeat scan couple of months later to see if anything has changed.
My scan came through for today this afternoon and I am nervous wreck - not wanting to have to go through having to see a gyny then more scans and bloods if its got bigger or not gone away I assume.
I am having enough trouble with the irregular periods etc and everything else!

01-03-11, 13:25
Hi Chick

Hope everything goes well at your ultrasound this afternoon - i'm sure it will. Let us know how you get on



01-03-11, 18:09
My cyst has gone phew! she said both ovaries just have normal follicles she spent ages so of course I was laying there thinking the worst and then she said - it has resolved itself as they usually do when they are egg cysts and I resisted the urge to cheer! I just said oh good:)

01-03-11, 18:14

01-03-11, 19:41
YAY! So glad it is good news!!