View Full Version : I think I've finally hit rock bottom :(

01-03-11, 14:45
I feel really odd, I've not been out the house in days and now I fear to go out. I've got this sort of child like innocence thing going on and I just don't want to think or do anything.
I feel weak, everything's going in slow motion and I just can't seem to cope or want to cope. I want to just dig a hole and hide until things are sorted.
Does this make any sense?

I'm seeing my doctor tomorrow but even that will be a struggle, I'm getting up no later than half 11 at the moment and my appointments quarter past 9 tomorrow, although I'm not sure what he'll say.

I have work again on Friday, I know if I go off sick I'll get into more trouble, and I know the longer I stay off the less I'll want to go back but I just want the time to get better.
I feel completely burnt out :weep: I guess it was bound to happen, the stress I've been under and my depressive state. Only once in the past 2 weeks has my mood been up and that ended in a panic attack. In fact I almost had one before.
Oh and the weatherman made me cry I mean wtf :scared15:

macc noodle
01-03-11, 16:12
Hey Lizz,

You sound really down in the dumps hon, hope the doc gives you some help when you see them tomorrow.

Let us know how you get on. :hugs:

01-03-11, 18:18
Thank you I will :)
I am tempted to try and get off work, my friend told me one of my shifts has been changed to a 10 hour shift, I don't think I could currently manage 10 minutes, never mind 10 hours :ohmy: At least it's partly due to a mental illness they know about so I'm covered by equality acts or whatever, even the HR woman said that.

I found myself angry at the asda delivery man before, poor bloke was deaf yet I was annoyed it took him 3 trips to get my stuff up and that I was ID'd for the wine I bought for the spag bol I'm going to make; that wouldn't usually happen but oh well.

I hope mr doctor can sort me out :shrug: