View Full Version : referral from doctor to psychologist

01-03-11, 16:27
Hello all, well i bit the bullet and went to see my Gp with my husband. I have been on mitzrapine 45mg for 2 months and have felt worse than ever. Have been very nasty for no reason to all my loved ones and felt lost. My Gp has decided to wean me off mitz slowly and has referred me to see psychiatrist asap. Really i wanted her to send me for an endescopy {apologies for spelling} as i have horrid lump and pain in throat and back for weeks. She seems to think that will be a waste of time and that i need help with my mind. I am scared does this mean i am a Nutter ! I have 3 kids, lovely husband and family, good friends. So why cant i take her word that these pains and shortness of breath is anxiety related ? I feel if someone could look down my throat and chest and tell me its ok i would be able to get on with my life, am i wrong for feeling like this ? Any thoughts would be appreciated, thank you all, your great comfort to me xxx

01-03-11, 16:38
Hi i was like you last July,i wanted a Pelvic scan done to outrule Ovarian Cancer,my gp made me promise that he would arrange it IF once it came back clear i would accept it was all in my head..i promised...well i got the scan and it was clear..i never kept MY promise..since then ive had Upper scope..i though id stomach/throat/cancer that was clear..ii then demanded a colonoscopy to outrule Bowel cancer,well that was clear..i then had a abdomen unltrasound and that was clear..having the scope done will make you happy for a week,if your lucky,then you will go on to something else..im on Mirt as well 30mg have been for 2 months or so but i wanting to stop as they have made me worse..im no nutter,im a mum to two amazing kids.Im stoping the Mirt its done nothing for me. x

01-03-11, 17:20
AAh Sandy you have made me feel so much better, thanks for replying. Just want to feel normal again, but i think this is gonna be a life long battle for me. Mirtz did nothing for me at all, just very short tempered. I will see what the Psychatrist says hopefully might recommend a better medication. so many people seem to be on a mixture of meds but i have never been offered that. Please keep in touch and let me know how you are going Jayne x

01-03-11, 20:02
Hi Jayne,i see a psychologist,shes rubbish,and ive seen my psychiatrist once that was in January she said it was all stress/worry so she changed my med from Duloxetine to Mirt and i was hoping id be a all dancing singing mummy on it,but i feel worse..well i hope its the Mirt..so im wanting back on the Duloxetine..its says some side effects of Mirt is back pain and muscle pain and ive got that..im hoping some if it is stress and my posture..i kneel alot,i put my laptop on my coffee table and kneel for hours on it..plus the Mirt is hopefully adding to my pain..its just awful isnt it. Sandra x

04-03-11, 10:24
Well apparently should be hearing from psychiatrist next week ! I am on 15mg mirt now doctor weaning me off. I have never felt so low or scared in my life, had to farm the kids out to my parents and inlaws, feel so ashamed. I just want to feel normal, and be able to pick kids up from school or take my youngest to toddlers. I love them so much and cant be the mum they deserve. I really hope i have reached the bottom so i can start the slow journey back. Let you know how i go Sandra, hope you have a better day to day x

09-03-11, 18:13
Well they rang me today and i have a psychiatrist coming next week. I am now terrified of seeing him, he sounded so cool and unfeeling. more anxiety added on top of everything else, wish i could sort myself out x

09-03-11, 18:23
I am pretty sure most of us here have seen or currently see a psychologist or psychiatrist, that doesn't make you crazy at all.

As far as the lump in throat goes, I have had one for over a year, but as its a classic typical sign of anxiety I try not to worry about it, have you tried talking to NHS Direct about it? That might put your mind at ease in the mean time.

edit: saw your other post and you have NOTHING to be ashamed off, your mind is a little of course at the moment and you are getting treatment, thats all :)

14-03-11, 16:58
Thanks for the replies. a doctor is coming to see me at home Wednesday which has sent my health anxiety through the roof. I keep thinking he is gonna look at me and just say pull yourself together.

Piers you put it lovely by saying your mind is a little off course, thats exactly how i feel. Will keep you posted and let you know what he has to say. Going to see my little one at my mums, feel very anxious about that x

14-03-11, 17:44
Hi Jayne,

It is nothing to feel ashamed about...I have an appointment with a health pyschologist in a few weeks. When 'your mind is a little off track' as pier puts it, that is as real as a broken leg and needs treatment. Your doc will not tell you to pull yourself together- I promise. I'm sure they'll just support you to get better. I hope everything goes ok.


15-03-11, 15:16
Thanks Pan, will let you know how it goes x

18-03-11, 13:18
Well seen the psychiatrist came to house, he was very nice actually. After 2 hours he has prescribed me setroline and i am having one on one cbt. I explained that at the mo health anxiety out of control, that i i am having a cold feeling between breast bone and hurts to breath in sometimes. He believes that i am suffering ocd obsessional thinking and it does make sense. Although these pains seem very real to me. Anyone else suffering these symptoms ? I start meds today, he has told me i have to stop changing from one med to the other and has advised my Gp of this and that she has to be tough on me regarding meds. So here we go, gonna really give it my all this time and try and beat this thing, cause life is passing me by. Love to all of you xxx