View Full Version : Daughter - MMR jab

01-03-11, 19:48

My daughter had her first MMR jab a week ago, it was delayed for a considerable amount of time because she had fits (not febrile) at 6 months and treatment for those had to be stopped first, then another series of more random delays have occurred since then.

Anyway she is 2 and a half and had them a week ago. I googled the side effects and came across a couple whos child died 10 days after having the jab and he had a fit a week previously (febrile). Now that has really panicked me...I can't stop worrying, she means more than the world to me and as we all now, we think the worst.

Can someone please help me rationalise this?

01-03-11, 22:47

I understand your worry. I am constantly anxious about my children and their health. The risk of anything happening to your daughter after the MMR jab is incredibly small. Just keep an eye on her as some common side affects can include a slight temperature and a rash up to a couple of weeks afterwards.

My eldest daughter (who is now 9) was vaccinated during all the scandal about MMR and its links with autism. I did lots of research and my husband and I thought the risk of her getting measles and all its complications far outweighed the risk of any side affects. I have 3 kids and they have all had the MMR. In fact, my 3 year old will have his booster tomorrow.

The fact that your doctor has waited for your daughter to be off her previous medication shows that they were taking every precaution. It is always really sad to hear of any parent losing a child in this way, but these cases are very rare. Your daughter will be fine. I won't tell you not to worry because I know you will (as I would too). Just keep an eye on her and talk to your docor about your concerns if it helps to put your mind at rest.

Take care

01-03-11, 22:53

both my kids have had it a few years ago and no probs whatsoever, i personally think all this talk is just ways to keep us all depressed and people in jobs - docs, nurses, pharmacies and drug companies!

these incidences are very very rare, if you compare how many thousands of children have them done, compared to the numbers of problems arising.

please don't worry, and just enjoy your little girl! 99.99999999% she will be fine!
