View Full Version : Anyone suffer with TMJ?

01-03-11, 20:01
I think I suffer with TMJ, haven't had this diagnosed by anyone ut it seems to fit (I think!) My symptoms are:

Pain in jaw in front of ears, hurts to touch there
Jaw clicks sometimes when pain is bad and I move my mouth open wide
Pain in temples
Fuzzy eyesight (feels like my eyes are shaking, but they're not)
Tinnititus (sp)
Fullness feeling in ears, sometimes painful (not often)
Shoulder pain
Neck pain, especially under base of skull
Really stiff neck

Does this sound like TMJ? If it is, is there anything that can be done to treat it, getting fed up with the pain now. I wake up everyday with painful neck and jaw. I think I clench my teeth in my sleep and throughout the day.

Thanks for reading

01-03-11, 22:28
Well you certainly have all the symptoms of TMJ - I have this due to herniated disc in my neck making my neck muscles constantly tense which knocks on to cause the TMj if you can understand that:)

I have endless ear symptoms from dizziness to vertigo - ringing - poppings- flutterings in ears - to fullness plus sudden sharp pains in and around ears - sometimes I can't bear to touch my ears or jaw or under my earlobes. I also get painful tongue to move or my ear hurts if I swallow or touch inside of my gum at back the list is really endless.

01-03-11, 22:37

I could have written this myself!! I am really suffering at the moment with all the symptoms you describe. It is mostly my left side but my right side has been hurting too for the last few days.

My symptoms are temple pain, jaw pain tinnitus, migraines, face and eye pain, shoulder and neck pain and neck stiffness. I also have a clicking jaw on the left and it is very still on the right. My scalp also feels very tender sometimes.

I have a mouth guard from the dentist but don't really get on with it. To be honest, I think I clench my teeth during the day more than anything. The doctor wants me to go to physio for my neck. I have been trying osteopathy but I am not sure it is making much difference. I have stopped eating hard or chewy foods which helps a little as does a cold and warm compress when the pain is bad in my jaw.

I too haven't been properly diagnosed.

Good luck you are not alone.

Vanilla Sky
02-03-11, 10:30
Yes i had all the symptoms and was told i had TMJ . I also wore a night gaurd and hated it , couldn't sleep and ended up not using it . Mine seems to have corrected its self ??

09-03-11, 14:35
Hi. I diagnosed myself with tmj. Went to the docs and told her what I thought it was and she agreed. She prescribed muscle relaxants (amitriptyline) which did help a bit. I have got all the symptoms you describe and more, apart from the eyes (that will probably come too!) plus my teeth ache as well and that is what I hate the most. I have had many visits to the dentist because of the tooth ache and was told it was probably due to clenching.

What the answer is I dont know. If you go to the dentist they will probably try a mouth guard with you to see if it helps. If its nhs they usually do the soft type but if private there are a few different other types that are used. I find that warmth helps and trying to relax and take your mind off it helps as well.

I know what you are going through and if I can help at all feel free to ask or just have a moan.

09-03-11, 15:06
Yes I have this. I was hit in the face at school years ago and always had a clicking jaw. Recently though I have been having buzzing in ears, tension headaches and pain behind my eyeball, horrid!

Dentist said I need a mouth guard for at night because I may be clenching my teeth together which will make it worse. Costly so I have been making an effort to not clench during the day and am surprised at how many times i do actually do it without realising it. My symptoms have got better with doing this but stress will make it worse :)