View Full Version : Really enjoyed todays anxiety attack...

01-03-11, 20:13
Just thought i would post this to share/learn.

I Was high up pruning a tree today , way out of my comfort zone !

My mouth went dry , the globus feeling came on really strong ...instant , my stomach started churning , my legs went like jelly , my chest went tight and i got chest pains , i couldn,t swallow properly and i felt like i had a brick in my chest , my breathing was shallow and i was dizzy .

Not a great ten minutes ..lol., it was man hole , pin hole time but i knew why i was anxious i was bricking it incase this big branch went the wrong way and knocked out :roflmao:

Might sound stupid , but it was great , because it reinforced my belief that the symtoms i get/got when i,m not actually anxious (but i must be) are the VERY SAME although to a lesser degree . I can now understand why so many members on here who can,t accept/understand some systoms are unable to ride them out and try and fight them hence makeing them worse and end up like i was for ten minutes ..but all day long , week in week out . Just like i was for months :ohmy:

Am i on the right track ?, would you agree with the above .

01-03-11, 20:18
Definitely on the right track!!!!! That sounds like a great breakthrough for you. well done
Suz xx

macc noodle
01-03-11, 21:14
Way to go ! Although I would not choose to have a panic attack whilst pruning at tree high up !!!!

01-03-11, 21:17
superb! Let's keep fighting, I hope to get to your level with my symptoms one day.

01-03-11, 22:02
thats brilliant news well done to you now pass on some of your new found confidence :) x