View Full Version : off sick - home visit - very stressed.

01-03-11, 20:34

I work for a Large company. I went on maternity leave and during my maternity leave, they threatened me that my job no longer existed. I put in a grievance and as a result a role was created for me. The stress I was put under whilst on maternity leave was immense, but I managed to get through it. Whilst I was not completely happy with the outcome of my grievance, I wanted to put it behind me and start a new episode and get a routine going in my life so accepted job offer and started working. On my return, my life was made hell, I was bullied and harassed by my line manager and she isolated me. As a result, I put up with this for a month, but decided enough was enough when on a second 121 she intimidated me so much that she left me in tears and put in a second grievance. As a result I have been under immense stress for nearly a year and my body has now started to show physical symptoms due to stress. I have restricted movement on one of my sides, am nauseous, dizzy, really bad headaches, tearful. I have been told that it is the stress that is causing neurological symptoms. Due to these symptoms I have been off for a month and the doctor has signed me off for a further month. I notified my employer of this and they say that they want to do a home visit. I have been extremely anxious about this as the reason that I am feeling unwell at the moment is because of the way that I have been treated. To make things worse, the outcome of the grievance was sent to me whilst off sick saying that they did not believe what I was saying. Everyone is aware of my case at work and do not feel that their home visit will be neutral and will be to look out for my best interests. Does anyone have any advice on this home visit?

01-03-11, 20:42

I'm not sure where you are, but if you are in the UK you are entitled to have a trade union representative with you while this happens. Not sure if that helps. If you are not in a trade union then you can have an independent observer who takes notes on what happens. You could also ask to record on a distaphone what goes on. If you have a sick note then what your doctor says is final and you are entitled to SSP whilst your sicknote is valid. If you are not in the UK I'm not sure how much of this applies, but I'm sure a TU rep could help.

macc noodle
01-03-11, 21:08
You most definitely need an observer who will take notes for you and who is not associated with the company if at all possible.

If you are working for a large uk co., then I would think that their welfare officer should be working for you and helping you with this.

I would write to them stating quite clearly that as you are off sick at the moment and that the doctor has advised you are unfit for work, and that you feel under duress to have this meeting, and request that they defer the meeting until you are fit enough to attend.

It does sound as if you are being subjected to some inappropriate work methods here to get you to leave the company and I am not surprised that you are stressed.

Have you considered speaking to someone at CAB or even taking legal advice with a solicitor who specialises in employment law?

Chin up - nil desperandum - don't let the ******** grind you down!


01-03-11, 23:27
Hi SamBeckett,

I am in the UK. Trade Union have not been very helpful with regards to the two grievances I have put in. They have kind of left me on my own and I have worked myself up writing the grievances which has not helped my symptoms at all. I am actually considering stopping my membership due to the lack of help that I have received. It is reassuring that what my doctor says is what counts. The reason I am worked up is that I don't want people who are involved in the grievances and have alterior motives coming into my personal space. I would not mind going to see their doctor to get an independent view but feel intimidated at the thought of them coming to my house.

Thanks for replying.

01-03-11, 23:27
Another organisation to contact is ACAS - you'll be able to find their website on the net. Also have a look at www.direct.gov.uk (http://www.direct.gov.uk) as there is stuff about employment law on there - just use maternity leave as a search term.

The way employment law works for women on maternity leave is that an employer is allowed to change your job, but the "new" job must be equivalent to the old one, in terms of the pay or duties - unless you have specifically asked for a change to something different.

Employers are allowed to make home visits to sick employees, but this is also if it is "appropriate", but it does look as though they aren't taking much notice of your doctors' notes, which is a bit of a problem. It's most definitely a good idea to have a third person present, and they ought to take notes of the meeting on your behalf so that you have a record of them.

PM if you want any further information - I'm a trade union rep where I work.

01-03-11, 23:31
You most definitely need an observer who will take notes for you and who is not associated with the company if at all possible.

If you are working for a large uk co., then I would think that their welfare officer should be working for you and helping you with this.

I would write to them stating quite clearly that as you are off sick at the moment and that the doctor has advised you are unfit for work, and that you feel under duress to have this meeting, and request that they defer the meeting until you are fit enough to attend.

It does sound as if you are being subjected to some inappropriate work methods here to get you to leave the company and I am not surprised that you are stressed.

Have you considered speaking to someone at CAB or even taking legal advice with a solicitor who specialises in employment law?

Chin up - nil desperandum - don't let the ******** grind you down!

Hi macc noodle,

Will take your advice to write to them. The worst that can happen is that they write back and say that they still need to come even though I do feel that this will make me feel worse at the moment. Just after calling them today, I was very upset all morning - can you imagine having face to face contact!!

They are definitely subjecting me to inappropriate methods and my body has had enough. Can't cope anymore.

Going to start looking at legal advice as the union do not seem to be giving me the support that I need.

Trying to be strong. But talking to people who know what I am feeling does help. Taking one day at a time.

01-03-11, 23:38
Another organisation to contact is ACAS - you'll be able to find their website on the net. Also have a look at www.direct.gov.uk (http://www.direct.gov.uk) as there is stuff about employment law on there - just use maternity leave as a search term.

The way employment law works for women on maternity leave is that an employer is allowed to change your job, but the "new" job must be equivalent to the old one, in terms of the pay or duties - unless you have specifically asked for a change to something different.

Employers are allowed to make home visits to sick employees, but this is also if it is "appropriate", but it does look as though they aren't taking much notice of your doctors' notes, which is a bit of a problem. It's most definitely a good idea to have a third person present, and they ought to take notes of the meeting on your behalf so that you have a record of them.

PM if you want any further information - I'm a trade union rep where I work.
Hi blueangel,

Thanks for your reply. They offered my job to my maternity cover 2 months into my maternity leave. Job they gave me is same pay, but not duties. In fact they are giving me higher graded work and paying me at a lower grade salary.

I think that it is safe to say that the stress I am under is because of them. The second grievance, I have just appealed and I do not feel comfortable going back as whilst I was working through this grievance I would physically shake with nerves for the first hours of work as it was too much and it has resulted in neurological symptoms which I can't control. Definitely while the appeal of the grievance is going on and they are all involved, I do not feel that it is "appropriate" for them to make a home visit.

If they insist, I will make sure that I have people around.

Thanks for your understanding and will be in touch.