View Full Version : HA back after 10 years :(

01-03-11, 23:12
Hi this is my first post on this site. Anyway I suffered a severe bout of HA about 10years ago which lasted for 5 months or so. my main fear as always is cancer of some sort. back then it was lymphoma and many others. I had every test possible then, hospitalised and nothing found. eventually I managed to let go of it and my life went on got married had kids and life was good until 4 weeks ago. It started with an odd pain under my right ribcage and came and went. Thought nothing of it for a while until this was gradually followed by queasiness and cramping especially at night. then after a binge of symptom checking via google I became convinced I had stomach cancer. This also coincided with some feelings of fullness occurring quicker after eating. Then the swallowing difficulty kicked in and I had 2 weeks of soup and yogurt convinced I has oesophageal cancer. I was wracked with angst and completely crashed. My weight was dropping another dreaded symptom. Anyway after 3 trips to doctor and taking ppi,s for a few weeks I demanded an. Endoscopy and had it a week or so ago. I think it went ok the gastro doc said he couldn't see any problems there but took biopsies anyway. I no longer think I have an oesophagus problem and probably do not have stomach cancer. My weight has stopped dropping but has only stabilized. I'm eating pretty normal again although not as much as before. My worry now is that I have a malabsorption problem and or colon cancer.I look tired and thin and not myself. I,m totally consumed by this anxiety again and it is horrible. Also having lower back pain. And on and on it goes. Does anyone know how to break this cycle? Does anyone find themselves with these symptoms or problems. I also had an abdominal ultrasound and chest dray and CBC done. Surely if I had some serious problem something would be awry with these tests?
Anyway sorry to be so long winded but it feels good to vent this stuff and it seems there are so many people here with similar concerns and worries. If you have any advice on how to relax and cope with this I,d love to hear it.

macc noodle
01-03-11, 23:31
Hi hon, same as you really - major HA about 15 years ago - found a way thru it with CBT and regression therapy to find cause - all very successful. Managed to minimise the HA down to a very copeable level (which was great).

Then, back it came last year and I felt absolutely floored - all coping skills and strategies learnt from last time just did not work - felt like crap for the past 12 months - fed up with docs and tests - nothing shown! Having really bad time last few days but trust it will pass (which in itself gives me hope that I am coming out the other side).

Docs believe that my resurgence of HA is down to being peri-menopausal - oh the joys of being a woman of a certain age! Whatever it is - it is harder to quell this time around and is pretty exhausting.

So, definitely hear where you are coming from Cranxious - we just have to trust that all these tests would have shown something so it must just be down to that darned HA (which, hey, we know really don't we)

Just so you don't feel alone - I currently have lower back pain, hip pain, leg pain, aching arms, bloating (very uncomfortable), gas, constipation. ......................... this has gone on in cycles over the last 12 months and is actually no joke but if I don't laugh I will definitely cry.

Take care.


02-03-11, 19:11
I lost a lot of weight due to being anxious ,I was as thin as a rake .The symptoms you describe are common with IBS which I also suffer with .Being anxious about the smptoms just aggravates and makes it worse .Im sure if therre was anything serious it would have presented itself in the Tests .Have a read of the IBS page and try finding what foods aggravate it .It can be a very debilitating condition but relaxation and less Anx is a must .Easier said than done I know .Taking a good VIT B COMPLEX will help your nerves and Buscopan is really good for the pain and spasms of IBS ..t/c Sue x