View Full Version : Heart wont calm down Why?

01-03-11, 23:34
im still worried as im laying here and im watching my heart rate, now remember im laying down its 90 93 96 100 113 100 97 96 97 95 93 91 97 100 95 93 95 91 now this is doing this all the time my heart rate wont stand still why is the Question, does anyone suffer the same if so what is it and why is this doing this, if i stand up again it will be 120 118 112 113 118 116 115 98 95 93 100 110 107 96 94 92 99 100 thats on standing so you see i cant understand ive been to hospital and they ahve said its ok as they have done an ECG and its come out ok how can this be ok when my friends and other people in my family dont happen to them have i got a problem with my heart thats all i need to know i hope someone can get back to me ASAP thank you.....Ian

macc noodle
01-03-11, 23:41
Quick question - why are you spending so long counting your heart rate (either lying down or standing) ? Is this a long standing problem?

I would say that if you have had an ECG recently and given the all clear, you are suffering from an anxiety attack and you are actually making it worse by focussing on it - I remember the days when I would lie in bed for hours on end counting my pulse rate and worrying it was either too high or too low - am still here to tell the tale many years later!

What you need to do is find something to distract yourself with - a good book or magazine or tv or music - just something that takes you away from compulsively taking your pulse.

Hope you feeling a bit better than when you first posted?


01-03-11, 23:48
Blimey Ian - can you edit that post and sort it out please lol

You do not need to take your heart rate all the time - it will go up and down all the while.

02-03-11, 00:06
i have to check it why does mine do it and my friends dont do it so there must be a problem i hate this well im still here to but its a worry, im going to cut my hands off lol thats the only way i will stop taking my pulse only Jokeing i just want it to be slow and not as fast, thanks for your reply's x Ian

02-03-11, 00:14
Do they check theirs hundreds of times a day though?

02-03-11, 00:21
Nicola, no they dont but im having another 24 hour tape done this will be my second one ive had done in a year, if this one comes back clear i wont worry ever again...

02-03-11, 00:34
^ You say that now but I know from experience no amount of 24hour tapes will make you not worry about it again. It's anxiety. You need to deal with that and not your heart.

My heart rate goes up and down throughout the day, even when I'm just lying there. I know this cuz at my most anxious point I was always checking my heart rate, I mean ALWAYS! It's not good for you.

Everyones heart rate varies from time to time. I know yours is on the higher end of normal and that's what's worrying you but obviously you're thinking about your heart 24/7 which makes you anxious and causes a faster heart rate.

I bet when the few times that you're not thinking about your heart your pulse is a lot lower, same for when you sleep. Anxiety causes a faster heart rate - fact. You've been given the all clear - fact. You have anxiety and when you deal with that and stop checking your pulse you will feel tons better. It's hard but it's not impossible.

Have you also seen this website run by RLR - a retired physician.


It's a forum where people are concerned about heart palps mainly, but you might find some consolation or info about the heart rate on there too. He helps a lot of people and I know he's helped me understand how the heart works a lot better than before.

Give it a look if you haven't already.


02-03-11, 03:14
Hi Ella jayne yes ive posted on there he is good just waiting for him to answere anther question oh the same as on here lol, im going to stop thinking and feeling my pulse as i know what your saying is so true, ive been told by so many people and never listen so its about time i did, thank you once again for your reply Ian

02-03-11, 04:06
My heart rate jumps around most of the time, but as macc noodle said, when you focus on it its going to go faster. When I did that mine would jump up to 120,130 etc or go down to 70, 60, 50...you get the idea.

Not sure if that helps but hopefuly it does, btw I got your message. Feel free to PM when you are next online.

02-03-11, 09:29
In my opinion, if you can't feel any beat...........then start to worry!