View Full Version : Finding things extremely difficult! please help!

02-03-11, 01:21

I've been having chest pains since sunday night which i went to the walk in centre today about and they did an ECG and said it was fine but that it did not necessarily mean that it wasn't cardio related!!! I'm a complete mess! i dont want to do this anymore, i just can't cope!!!

my symptoms are:

-pressure and tightness in centre of chest (and feels like someone has their hand on my chest pushing down) and sharp pains in centre and to the left a bit
-tight neck (like my neck muscles are being pulled down to my chest)
-feeling short of breath as well as getting a winded feeling (whihc i've had for a while now)

I had a chest x-ray on friday but i'm only due to see the doctor on the 14th March for the results. I cant keep ringing the doctors all the time but i'm really scared as i feel that there is something truly wrong! there has to be, this isnt normal!

i'm so down and scared and i dont know what to do! :weep:

02-03-11, 01:49
Those tense neck muscles can affect the chest muscles too.
Do you have the can't get a deep breath feeling? Anxiety can do that.

02-03-11, 01:55
hi punk i have been getting the same chest pains and neck pain for years and yes it is very scary to wonder why u feel unwell but get told theres nothing wrong anxiety can cause alot of symptoms as can pulling muscles or muscle
spasms , so if ur ecg was all clear u have nothing to worry about the more u
stress the more ur chest muscles will contract and hurt more its easy to say not to worry but try and stay calm

02-03-11, 02:20
hi punk i have been getting the same chest pains and neck pain for years and yes it is very scary to wonder why u feel unwell but get told theres nothing wrong anxiety can cause alot of symptoms as can pulling muscles or muscle
spasms , so if ur ecg was all clear u have nothing to worry about the more u
stress the more ur chest muscles will contract and hurt more its easy to say not to worry but try and stay calm

hi, Ive never had anything like this before which is probably why it's scaring me so much! I do practice relaxation techniques so I would have thought that I actually stay quite relaxed but I suppose I could have been tensing without being aware of it. I don't know why I've become so focused on my heart, I've never worried about it before until a few months ago when I first started getting chest pains!

do you get the feeling that the front of your neck is being pulled down to your chest?

daybyday - I'm actually ok with being able to take a deep breath. I get a feeling like in suffocating so I take a deep breath and try to "shake" it off. I also get a winded feeling too though where it feels like someone has punched me in the stomach and knocked the wind out of me!