View Full Version : How much damage could I do?

02-03-11, 04:49
Recently discovered cocodamol 8/500 kind of relaxes my brain a little. The last few days I have taken 160 tablets to try to reduce my brain strain. It sort of helps, infact I'm taking about 10 at a time and for about 2 or 3 hours I function well. Obvious downsides are the damage I'm doing to my liver. I know the codeine won't be doing damage at that dose but the paracetamol might be.
It is obviously a large amount according to the directions, but in reality, is it THAT dangerous?

02-03-11, 05:38
Yes, it really is that dangerous. My fiance tried to OD on those and only took 40, she now has 1 and a half kidneys.

Stop NOW.

02-03-11, 05:56
What, That much damage from just 40pills?
Did they say that the damage was caused by the OD or were there other contributing factors?

macc noodle
02-03-11, 06:43
What on earth possessed you to take so many over a short period of time - it is seriously dangerous to take so many.

Suggest you seek urgent medical advice and STOP TAKING ANYMORE!

10 at a time is definitely going to damage you - once your kidneys are affected there is no going back.

Have you any idea how silly it is to take these pills like sweeties?

I am seriously concerned for your well being.

02-03-11, 08:23
Well, like I say, anything to help, short or long term. I don't feel any pain, but will reconsider.And being over the counter seems to add a safety margin to it.

02-03-11, 08:33
With co codamol the maximum dose in 24 hours is 8 tablets, and that means 2 at a time spread out, not all at once.

You may be able to get them over the counter, but no pharmacy will sell you more than one pack of 32 at a time, and even then they warn you not to take ANY other paracetamol with them !

Dont take anymore, and get in touch with your GP straight away.

The brain relaxation will be from the codeine, but to take enough from cocodamol to have that effect you are taking huge amounts of paracetamol that can and will cause lasting damage to your kidneys.

02-03-11, 08:50
Dear Scrubmuncher.

Paracetamol really is that dangerous!

The substance was approved for use a very long time ago when rules were less stringent, if it had been subjected for approval in the 21st century, it would never have been passed for general use, much less for over the counter.

The therapeutic interval is very small, meaning that just doubling or tripling the dosage can in individual cases, result in terminal liver damage. Simultaneously ingesting alcohol or other medication that take up part of the liver's ability to metabolize this paracetamol increase the risk drastically. And the liverdamage caused by overdosing paracetamol is irreversible and can lead to death unless you are lucky enough to get a liver transplant before it is too late.

If you really have taken as many as 160tablets in a couple of days, this could be a lethal dose. Even if you stop now, the damage can build up over days and/or weeks and eventually result in death. Luckily, there might still be time enough to reverse the damage. The antidote is intravenous acetylcystein which is completely harmless and easy to administrate once you get into contact with healthcare professionals.

Do not wait! Find a doctor and be honest about your intake! Google paracetamol overdose if you do not believe me. Codein is bad for you, and strongly addictive, but it is not the immediate problem here. The paracetamol is, and this could be very serious and cause you irreparable harm!

Noone here knows me, but I am a medical doctor suffering from anxiety and depression. I've been lurking for months but never posted, but reading this story made me go ahead and register so I could post this.

I am sorry if this reply is out of line or offends or upsets people, but I felt it had to be said. Paracetamol is potential lethal and time is of essence if you overdose it! Stop taking it immediately and seek medical help.

Cold M.D

02-03-11, 09:23

I would seriously listen to the wise words being said here especially from Cold, you should seek help before things get worse.

Self medicating in this way is far too dangerous.

di xx

02-03-11, 12:03
I have found that taking a couple of 30/500 co-codimols helps me a lot but the doctor won't prescibe them because they are addictive.

Its not so much the codine that is the problem it is the amount of paracetamol. Now whilst I don't always stick to instuctions of a product as they are usually there as a safeguard and taking a few over occasionally isn't going to do any harm, the amount you are taking is a lot. The LD50 of paracetamol is 150mg per KG of body weight. LD50 means the amount of a substance required to kill half a given population. Each pill contains 500mg of paracetamol, so you have taken way over that in the past few days.

If you really have taken 160 pills I would highly recommend you go to hospital. I usually try and calm people on here but I can't just tell you that you will be OK because I think you need medical attention.

02-03-11, 12:25
If any administrator has a contact number or address for this guy he needs to go to hospital right now.

02-03-11, 12:29
If any administrator has a contact number or address for this guy me needs to go to hospital right now.

We do not hold such information but I think he will have got the message now that this is serious so hopefully he has gone to A&E

macc noodle
02-03-11, 13:25
I seriously hope so Nicola - his last post seemed a little too gungho for my liking!

02-03-11, 13:54
Part of me is hoping that his post was a wind-up, but if it isn't, I hope he's got himself to a doctor.

02-03-11, 14:03
I kind of thought that as well Blueangel, hard to believe anyone would actually take that many of these pills unless they were trying to kill themselves - but like you hope he's at a doc or an A&E if he has.

02-03-11, 15:39
I also thought that when posting but still, if 40 pills can damage a kidney...

02-03-11, 17:21
i can understand why you are doing it,,but please seek help,,i take one a day everyday,,when ive been oked to take more for pain relief ,,but i keep it to the bare minium as i very aware of the dangers,,even if you feel good,,they can give you a high by the way,,you are damaging every organ and surely its not worth it at the end of the day,,

02-03-11, 17:27
sorry are you sure it isnt a wind up because surley he wouldnt be able to function correctly after taking that amount i short term

02-03-11, 18:18
I'd get urself striaght to A&E....Paracetamol is such a serious overdose....

11-03-11, 12:36
Scrub, please listen to the people above that much medication in a short period may not effect you straight away but beleive us when we tell you the long term affects and horrendous. It looks like alot of people are worried about you on here so just let us know your ok if you can... take care...

12-03-11, 05:03
Anyone heard from @Scrubmuncher ADMINS?? Hope the dude is fine...

macc noodle
12-03-11, 08:38
Search Scrubmuncher's threads and you will see that he posted a subsequent thread to this one which shows where he may be

21-03-11, 02:18
To Scrubmuncher,
In the past I have used Codeine recreationally, it is a really pleasant lucid high but the tolerance levels were pitifully low and in high doses will cause you long term health problems including stomach ulcers, liver damage etc.
A good friend of mine from was using codeine in similiar quantities and was hospitalised four times with stomach issues and was in danger of needing a colostomy bag at 25 years of age :(
Its an opiate so even short term you will probably suffer from constipation, IBS etc. All in all its not worth taking the cons outweigh the pros