View Full Version : Hi Girls and Guys

02-03-11, 09:51
Don't know how to start this really so tell you a little about myself (it might get a bit long).

I'm a 28 yr old who has suffered with anxiety, panic attacks and depession for about three months now.
It all started with the panic attacks out the blue I had woke up one night heart racing not begin able to breathe, it scared me so much I went and had three more in one week. I went to the doctors and told them my syptoms and I got told to relax and not worry about it. At one point I had conviced myself I had a brain tumour , throat cancer and all sorts of wonder illness (thank you Dr google). I was having a hard time at work and getting myself into a huge state and generally not coping very well so
about two months ago I went back to the doctor and I just broke down, cus I really felt like I was going mad. The doctor put me on fluoxetine anti depression tablets. Thankfull I found this site and reading all the infomation on here has helped me properly more then the tablets cus I know I'm not alone. It has also helped my hubby understand what I'm going through a bit more.

I wanna know if any has anyone has tips on coping with it all cus yes the tablets have worked by making me feel more myself but I'm still finding I'm getting the aches and pains, numbness and the whirling thoughts. I did have another panic attack the other night so I'm begin to worry I'm going back the other way again. I was hoping it would just got away over night but it seems to be sticking around lol. I'm fed up with it running my life and I wanna be myself again.

Anyway thanks for reading x

02-03-11, 09:52
Hi Blondey

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

Vanilla Sky
02-03-11, 10:18
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x