View Full Version : Nervous about tomorrow

03-04-06, 21:52
Hi everyone,

I'm feeling nervous at the moment and have felt nervous on and off all day. I have an appointment with my therapist tomorrow and she is taking me out.

It's almost 2 miles which doesn't sound alot, but its far for me as I've been agoraphobic and not able to leave my street until recently. It's for a trip to the clinic to get me used to going, we did the same journey a fortnight ago when I last saw my therapist and I didn't know we were going there. But this week I know she's taking me there and because I know, I've been getting nervous. I also feel scared aswell.


03-04-06, 22:04

youll be fine. If you do get anxious she is there to help you and she will understand how you feel. remember you did it last time so you can do it this time

let us know how it goes

take care


04-04-06, 11:28
Thank you Bobsy, I did it :D

I'll post about it in success stories,

Thanks again,


May Day
04-04-06, 13:18
Hi h3ths

you managed to get through the experience before when you didn't know you were going to do it ... in a way i think that is even more scary as you didn't have time to prepare your thoughts ... try to think positive and look at how good you must heve felt after the last trip ... i bet you were proud of yourself ... you'll have support from your therapist so try not to feel scared

Let us know how you get on

take care


The brightest, sunniest day may follow the darkest, stormiest night ... enjoy the sun

04-04-06, 18:32
well done i knew you could do it go for it girl

will look in success stories

take care and keep it up


04-04-06, 21:37
Thank you also May. :)


05-04-06, 00:03
great job Heather, it was nice chatting to you today
