View Full Version : How many of you with dizzy spells have silver amalgam fillings?

02-03-11, 10:43

All my symptoms came on a month after having new fillings (dizzy spells, eye floaters, headache), just wondering on any connection? I asked the nurse who took my blood today and she said it is possible, but you would need to ask your GP for a specific blood test...doh! Wish I'd of mentioned it earlier.

What are your thoughts? Unlikey?

Just looking for patterns.



02-03-11, 10:54
There were some articles about it in the news some time ago but it was never really proven either way whether the fillings cause problems.

I would say it was a complete co-incidence to be honest.

We had a member on here who had all of his fillings removed and it cost him thousands of pounds and guess what? He was still the same afterwards and it made no difference.

02-03-11, 11:02
Interesting! Thanks for getting back to me on that. I probably won't pursue that avenue then. I would of thought the mercury levels would be very minimal anyway, and if they were that dangerous then surely they wouldn't be allowed into NHS practices.

Thanks again..so desperate for answers :shrug:



05-04-11, 12:57
HI I am going to the dentist today actually to have a chat about mine, i have got 11 of them in total, silver amalgam ones, ever since i had one drilled out last september my anxiety and illness have returned. you can get a test done to check if they are leaking the vapour of mercury. they should not be put in peoples mouths, it takes a few years after they have been removed and careful detox to make you back to normal. i know as one of my friends had this done and as soon as she had them removed she felt a little better, then had the chlorella tablets and detox supplements which has made her feel 100%, dont get me wrong i do believe that the guy nicola mentioned could of been just anxious but they are better of out your mouth than in. all you have to do it google it! some people are more allergic than others.

05-04-11, 19:37
It still remains a hotly debated topic but I personally think that unless you are sensitive to mercury (in a medical sense) which is RARE then you will be fine. They have been testing the theory that mercury fillings make people unwell for years and as yet there is no evidence to suggest that they make people ill. It is only the word of people who have had mercury fillings removed saying that they feel better which has sparked the debate, and it could of course be explained by the placebo effect. I'm not saying that NOBODY could possibly be sensitive to merrcury fillings, especially if the filling wasn't applied correctly or something like that, but in most cases they won't do you any harm at all. They would not still be using them today if there was any evidence to suggest that they might be dangerous.

And don't google it because you will read scare stories which are exactly that... SCARE STORIES, based on hearsay and not on medical evidence.

06-04-11, 17:01
Have you read up on Amalgam Illness? A friend of mine mentioned to me that they feel it could be this that I am suffering from as well as Adrenal Fatigue!

26-04-11, 10:43
HI I am going to the dentist today actually to have a chat about mine, i have got 11 of them in total, silver amalgam ones, ever since i had one drilled out last september my anxiety and illness have returned. you can get a test done to check if they are leaking the vapour of mercury. they should not be put in peoples mouths, it takes a few years after they have been removed and careful detox to make you back to normal. i know as one of my friends had this done and as soon as she had them removed she felt a little better, then had the chlorella tablets and detox supplements which has made her feel 100%, dont get me wrong i do believe that the guy nicola mentioned could of been just anxious but they are better of out your mouth than in. all you have to do it google it! some people are more allergic than others.

What did your dentist say?

26-04-11, 20:55

He said he thought amalgam/mercury fillings were safe but they are not allowed to say any other as they can get their dentistry licence taken off them! funny though he did say he would replace them for half the price he would normally charge, so maybe he was trying to say there not good for you? worth doing, to feel the effects you have to take chlorella before the fillings and detox from the metal properly, it is when they take them out that the vapours get worse!

11-01-12, 18:00
I went to the dentist befor xmas and had a filling. She ask me fast what filling I said amyone, I look at the bill it was Amalgam filling. Next day I come over dizzy and headache and metal taste in my mouth. I went back
yesterday I did not tell her about my dizzy spells I only tell her about the metal taste in my mouth she done somethink to the filling and last night a dizzy agin and headche metal taste no better.Can I get a test done to check if they are leaking the vapour of mercury.


18-01-12, 20:27
I have been for a consultation at a private dentist, with a view to having ALL my 8 amalgam fillings replaced with composites.
I have suffered with depression for as long as I can remember.
I had eight silver fillings in my mouth by the time I was 13, and I have always struggled to feel good. I firmly believe that everyone is different, some things cause a reaction in people that has no effect in others, some people are allergic to paracetamol, penicillin, while others are fine.

If you are unsure, have your GP do a Mercury allergy test and MAKE SURE. There are too many people now, agreeing that dental amalgam is one cause of severe depression.

My treatment at the dentist will cost nearly five thousand pounds, if it alleviates my depression it will be worth every penny.

Take care.

24-06-12, 07:58
Well that's all my metal fillings removed and replaced.
There has been an improvement to my everyday concentration level and I also feel less irritable. When I had the metal fillings - two of which were huge - I had a constant lowevel dull ache in my jaw, I had just sorta learned to live with it over the years, but since removal it's gone. My head feels less fuzzy and my focus is better.

I'm starting my detox soon and will keep this post updated with the results.

Take care x

24-06-12, 18:26
I have been asked by naturopaths in the past whether I have amalgam fillings, but I've never had one. All of my fillings are white.