View Full Version : Lung Cancer Fear

02-03-11, 10:46
I think ive been through every type of cancer now, and now its lung cancer i have convinced myself ive got!!

Im 27 in a months time, i do smoke but ive cut that down to just 4 or 5 a day when it used to be about 10 or 12.

I occasionally have a heavy chest and achy breastbone, ive got a slight phlegmy cough at the moment but ive had a cold and other viruses on and off since xmas due to my little one bringing illnesses home from nursery.

But im freaking out, please please can someone tell me its very unlikely i have lung cancer at my age? i dont exercise much anymore other than walking my dogs but i did always keep fit until about 4 years ago, i did swimming, volleyball, keep fit classes ect.

i need to stop this anxiety about this, i dont know how, please help me!

02-03-11, 11:37

02-03-11, 11:47
Jen, of course it's very, very unlikely that you have lung cancer (or any other kind) at your age. Please try to put it out of your mind :hugs:. How did you manage to overcome your fears about other types? Are you having any treatment (eg CBT) for HA? xx

02-03-11, 11:57

I am waiting to see a chest specialist at the moment as I have been coughing up blood since the end of October. I don't smoke and I'm 36 years old. My GP doesn't seem worried in the slightest, I've had 2 chest x-rays which were clear but I'm worried I have lung cancer too. Other symptoms include arm/shoulder pain and constant fatigue.

Through CBT I've managed to get the anxiety under control, I'm still worried but I'm looking at it in a more realistic way. I think we would both be extremely unlucky to get lung cancer at our age, a very high percentage of lung cancer patients are over the age of 65.

I get achey breastbone too and also have had a cold on/off for a month and have been coughing up really thick green phlegm (too much info sorry!). I'm sure you're fine hun, if you had lung cancer you'd have persistant symptoms that are getting worse.

K xx

02-03-11, 12:11
Jen, of course it's very, very unlikely that you have lung cancer (or any other kind) at your age. Please try to put it out of your mind :hugs:. How did you manage to overcome your fears about other types? Are you having any treatment (eg CBT) for HA? xx

Thank you. i havent had any treatment ie meds or cbt for my anxiety, i have just purely used will power and control. i did have social anxiety as well as health anxiety and postnatel anxiety but im over the social and postnatel now, and the health isnt too bad, but i have one cancer fear and then that goes and replaces itself with another cancer fear! its like i had breast cancer fear for a month then that went away and i was fine for a few weeks then suddenly i had cervical cancer fear then that went away and so on and so on!!

im not sure how i got over each fear, i just have learnt how to control it i suppose but then it hits me again with a new blooming cancer fear!


02-03-11, 12:13

I am waiting to see a chest specialist at the moment as I have been coughing up blood since the end of October. I don't smoke and I'm 36 years old. My GP doesn't seem worried in the slightest, I've had 2 chest x-rays which were clear but I'm worried I have lung cancer too. Other symptoms include arm/shoulder pain and constant fatigue.

Through CBT I've managed to get the anxiety under control, I'm still worried but I'm looking at it in a more realistic way. I think we would both be extremely unlucky to get lung cancer at our age, a very high percentage of lung cancer patients are over the age of 65.

I get achey breastbone too and also have had a cold on/off for a month and have been coughing up really thick green phlegm (too much info sorry!). I'm sure you're fine hun, if you had lung cancer you'd have persistant symptoms that are getting worse.

K xx

Thank you for your reply, and i hope everything is ok with your chest xray xx

maybe its just a mixture of a cold and anxiety. it just grabbed me and i couldnt shake the fear off.

i think also because cancer is something you cant neccesarily see, it scares me more maybe.

i keep telling myself im young and healthy and that its unlikely, its just easier when you hear someone else say it too


02-03-11, 13:03
I totally understand, my big fear is cancer too.
In the past 9 months I've 'had' breast cancer, brain tumour, lung cancer, ovarian cancer and stomach cancer, resulting in 2 chest x-rays, pelvic ultrasound, CT scan, breast ultrasound. I'm like you, each time a test comes back clear the pain magically disappears and I get a few days/weeks before I start worrying about someting else!!!! It's never ending.

The CBT has really helped me though, it teaches you to look at things realistically or from someone elses point of view. An easy way to explain it is imagine if a friend came to you with the same worry, would you immediately think cancer or would there be a more rational explanation. It might be worth having a chat with your GP to see if they'll refer you??

K xx