View Full Version : anxiety and paranioa

02-03-11, 11:20
I had anxiety for as long as i cant remember, now for over six months its got really bad and the last few weeks me and my partner have had a baby and moved home - now i feel im becoming paranoid and have the strangest thoughts and its really getting on top of me and im scared to mention them to my councilor or doctor

There so random and intrusive once they pop in my mind i feel really unsettled and i obsess about them - i have suffered with contamination fears since i was a teenager about touching handles and food being poisoned and its got really bad since we moved house. then someone said that the person who lived in the place before us was a bit weird which has made me feel even more unsettled as i feel weird at the moment so i start wonder whats could be wrong with the place, why did he go weird will i start to go weird.

I'm also starting to worry about psychosis and other mental issues i start to think about what if someone tries to brainwash me or control my thoughts or i start to think birds are talking to me just crazy irrational things after reading about psychosis i also start to think about electrical devices i brought a new DVD player the other day and i had a horrible thought about it someone adding something that would hypnotising while watching a film without me knowing - i know this is completly irrational the thought just popped in for sec but i have avoided using it - im really worried i have something seriously wrong with me and im too embarrassed and ashamed to talk others about it and i cant believe i had gotten myself into this state

sorry for the crazy post

03-03-11, 05:28
Yip, your nuts:wacko: just kidding. Seriously I think people in general can have all sorts of weird thoughts, that's why we have imagination. The important thing that keeps you good is you are not acting on them, they are the results of an over active mind, creative imagination. I'm sure we all have ridiculous thoughts, try to remember that, but we try to direct our minds away once it gets to deep.
Once you start talking to the birds or finding yourself running around chirping like a chicken after watching a hypnotic DVD worry, but hopefully you will pull through it and things can get a little less dramatic.
Good luck pal.

03-03-11, 16:24
thanks for the responses - i went to my therapist session and she told me the same as you have all posted - our minds can imagine anything that will scare us when in a state of anxiety, i felt so silly saying about my weird thoughts i have been having and she has reassured me its just anxiety from all the stress i have been under- i do feel abit better today after talking about it and reading the posts, i just feel in a bit of a day dream state and have difficulty concentrating and keeping my mind off wired subjects but i hope i get better soon and start to feel myself again

03-03-11, 18:37
You'll be exhausted with the new child, it takes it out of you trying to realign your entire life around a little poop and puke machine. I think parenting is probably one of the most tiring jobs out there, if you do it correctly. When I'll or not on the ball it is absolutely exhausting. I have as much respect for 'good' single parents as I do any position possible in the workforce, it is easier with two but hell, ease up on yourself boyo, most first time dads are wrecks, just like you are. You'll adjust and come through it, just look after the nipper and keep you chin up.

03-03-11, 19:14
Dear DC100 please try to get out with your new baby and mix with other mums. Do not bottle up your feelings. Talk to people about these thoughts. It can be very isolating when you are with the new baby 24\7 If someone can take your new offspring for a few hours so that you can sleep\ go out with your partner or do your own thing this will definitely help you. EJ.