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View Full Version : Cipralex and giving up alcohol

03-04-06, 21:54
Hi guys

Ive been off the drink now for 7 weeks (thank god) after suffering very bad panic attacks and ending up in hospital. My GP was reluctant to put me on anything other than a dose of 5mg of Cipralex as my LFT had come back with bad news. After another blood test he has now increased my dosage to 10mg as the LFT was better this time. Just wanted to ask what sort of dose people find effective as I really think that I have felt no improvement as yet with the 5mg.



03-04-06, 22:27
Hi Richard and welcome to the site, I am on Cipralex too 20mg and I stopped drinking about 2 and a half years ago after 40 years heavy daily drinking. My LFT was 119 when I decided to stop drink and it took about 2 years to get back to normal, I am lucky after all that heavy drinking it did go back to normal. I had a pretty hard time with real bad anxiety and phobias after I stopped drinking, but it’s much better now as I have learned to cope with the anxiety without running to drink to relax me. I started on Cipralex 20mg about 12 months ago, it took about 10 weeks before I felt any different but I am sure they are helping me. I have only heard good reports on Cipralex a lady on here was on 10mg and they really helped her and after taking them for 12 months she didn’t have any big problems coming off them. Well done for stopping the drink for 7 weeks had you drank long and often? And how long have you been on the Cipralex? Hope you start feeling better soon. Vernon