View Full Version : Scared of being happy?!

02-03-11, 14:19
I know it sounds stupid but i seem to have a little fear of being happy!!

I dont know if its because ive got used to being anxious but when i feel happy i suddenly feel scared! and planning to do good things makes me scared.

Like for example i am trying to get the house in order, clean and tidy but i have this feeling fo dread about it. like if im happy something bad will happen!

i dont understand it.

macc noodle
02-03-11, 14:24
It is not wrong to feel happy - it is marvellous to feel happy and it is great when you get everything ship shape!!!!

I bet you have done this before and then BANG you have a panic or anxiety attack - my lowest moments were when I had all things in order and no apparent reason to get anxious - just seems to be the way we are wired.


When you have got your house clean and in order, would you like to come round and sort mine out for me :D

02-03-11, 14:56
It is not wrong to feel happy - it is marvellous to feel happy and it is great when you get everything ship shape!!!!

I bet you have done this before and then BANG you have a panic or anxiety attack - my lowest moments were when I had all things in order and no apparent reason to get anxious - just seems to be the way we are wired.


When you have got your house clean and in order, would you like to come round and sort mine out for me :D

Yeah why not lol :D

I know it sounds mad, i just dont understand it, i dream of a minimalistic (sp) house and that thought of a tidy not cluttered house makes me happy but then in an instance im hit with anxiety lol its a bit of a pain because its preventing me from doing it properly, i hate cleaning anyway but its easier of your not anxious while trying to do it!!

dont get me wrong, my house isnt a complete mess but i have clutter that needs getting rid of and sorted and its a big job and i get excited baout what it will look like and then anxious!
