View Full Version : New from Sheffield-agoraphobia/anxiety/IBS

02-03-11, 17:36
I found this forum a while ago but back then it was a bit too close to home-I couldn't read about agoraphobia/panicking/health anxiety without becoming extremely anxious. Now I'm feeling a bit better I actually find it helpful and although I'm not recovered yet I feel I might be able to add my experience to topics if people are struggling with things I've been through/am going through. My main problems began when my father passed away during my A Levels-I began with health anxiety/migraines/IBS (I've no idea which came first or if they just all happened to come at once). I have particular problems around my periods and ovulation-it seems very closely linked to my hormones. I have particular problems with lightheadedness and dizziness which doesn't exactly help the agoraphobia.

02-03-11, 17:38
Hi mysecretidentity

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

02-03-11, 21:20

It's the dizziness and lightheadedness that gets me all the time!! It just seems to be there constantly at the moment!! After reading lots of websites last night I tried the breathing into my stomach rather then chest for 7 seconds and breathing out slowly for 11 seconds. I just carried on doing it till I fell asleep, and the dizziness wasn't as bad today. I'm going to do it again tonight to see what tomorrow brings!! I hope this helps.

Just a quick add - I have just read your page on healthmad and felt like I was reading some of my own story!! I'm glad I am not the only one who is overwhelmed by supermarkets, bright lights etc. My anxiety also started after my dad died 17 years ago, I was 11. I have not spent 17 years panicking, I have spent many of those years living a (relatively) life. I have been through stages of agoraphobia (when I lost my best friend at 18) but I am now working full time, have a lovely house and am getting married this year, believe me, it does get better, I just sometimes have a relapse, but I know that it will pass!

Vanilla Sky
03-03-11, 14:27
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x