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02-03-11, 22:31
Hi all, been a year since I posted last, quite ironic really, and what should have been reassurance has casused me immense panic.

carrying on from my symptons last year, and my step daughter, who is a paramedic, saying to her mum that I looked ill, puffy and ready for a heart attack, I decided to pay privately and go for an abdominal ultrasound as I gain so much weight quickly around my stomach, clothes not fitting etc and I look pregnant even though im a guy. I have been getting bloating and pain in the upper right side.

The examiner said my gallbladder was fine but asked me whether or not my chloresterol was high. When I said yes, she said thought so your liver has alot of density which is fat. I asked if all okay and she said yes, but I needed to control my chloresterol to avoid a heart attack and stroke.

She said that she would complete a report and send it to me. I am worried now as been on google and alot of my symptons are showing cirrohsis. I have not received my report, it was completed on Monday, and wondering if she had found something more sinister and not told me and will write it in the report. I am now getting confusion and unable to think straight, getting a lot of headaches too, not sure if this is worry or a sign of end stage cirrohis... My mouth keeps going very dry too. Had LFT tests last year and all okay, my GGT was 23 which I believe is good. I would say that I am probably classed as a binge drinker, only drinking on saturdays and having 6 - 7 pints of stongbow.
I do eat well. Have been eating lots of veg, soup for last 2 weeks and lost 3kgs. My step daughter saw me on ? Tuesday and noticed the weight loss and said I was looking like my old self again.

Could I have end stage cirrohsis and still be walking around etc. Have had some bouts of light coloured stools in the past and dark urine too, all seem okay at moment. Had liver function tests twice last year and all okay.

Now panicking like mad.

02-03-11, 22:34
You sound fine to me to be honest.

Someone I know has cirrohsis and he ended up in hospital so I don't think you have that at all

02-03-11, 22:42
Thanks Nicola

02-03-11, 22:45
Knowing someone with severe liver damage due to alcohol - you don't sound as if you have any liver damage due to alcohol at all but you do sound as i fyou have a fatty liver. This can cause problems but nothing like the damage you get with alcohol - your LFT bloods would not have been normal if you had any liver disease that was worrying.

I know how hard it is but wait for the report- if it had anything really sinsiter in it your GP would have been told straight away so no news is good news!

02-03-11, 23:03
Thanks countrygirl. I went privately and asked that my GP not be notified as I had HA last year and whenever I go to the GP now its always IBS. I think my card is marked. The LFT was last year too, though I had similar symptons then too. Its strange, as I got over my HA though still not felt 100% but just carried on. Had the scan Monday and felt quite pleased. My partner said great, we can just concentrate on you loosing weight. Done the classic thing and got home and googled fatty liver, said it can move on to cirrohis. have read those symptons and I have a few. Noticed for the last 2 days too that I am getting pain on the right side, foggy headiness seems worst and tummy pain that I have not had for nearly 9 months. Seems the HA is coming back....

Im worrying now what the report will say, ie liver enlarged though she never said this at the time though I dont know if she would have been able to tell just by scanning. She may have to do some calculation after or something?

11-03-11, 11:57
Hope everything is OK and report is fine. !

11-03-11, 14:48
You are fine -- if she had found anything more sinister, you would know it by now and not have to wait on the report. You did the right thing by having things checked out and I believe you can continue to lead a normal life .. just get that cholesterol lowered! :) Right now you are ruminating -- trying to find solutions. The good news is the answer has already been given to you, but like all HA sufferers, me included, you always worry that there is something that is missed. It is our thoughts causing this, that's all. I am trying to understand why we keep going to doctors if we aren't going to trust their diagnosis .. hmm ... (I am going to thinking about that today). Anyway, I want you to relax now. The report will be in soon and you will see. And, if you ever have any questions, I am sure she would be willing to talk to you about it some more. :) Please let us know how things go -- and remember to believe in yourself, not your thoughts. Hugs Wiskers ~

11-03-11, 23:31
Thanks for your messages. I received the report it said all was unremarkable but the liver is very coarse and echogenic which would be consistent with fatty infiltration. I went to my dr to show the report and she was lived that I had the scan done though she sent me for a full blood count, liver function tests, kidney function, a kc test whatever that is lipids, chloresyeral, thyroid function and glucose. I received a letter today saying my bloods have been received and I need to make a routine appointment to discuss results. From this I think it is probably my chloresteral come back high or I hope it is. Im guessing if it was something serious they would have said I need an urgent appointment with the dr and not the nurse, well I hope anyway!

12-03-11, 21:07
Hi there

I was diagnosed with a fatty liver in december and I immediately went to google for answers and got in a state about cirhosis etc, my GP assured me that I do not have that......yet..........so I know alot about it now!! My symptoms are:

Sore right ribcage, abdominal pain, very tired and feel run down! My ALT levels are raised with this condition and an ultrasound showed fatty liver, but GP is just monitoring for now. GP explained that the liver repairs itself very well when looked after and a good diet and exercise regime really help.

I have joined a gym and started a good exercise program and losing weight slowly (unfortunately a fatty liver makes it harder!!) I worry that this condition will progress and i will suffer from severe liver damage BUT I try to act positively to regain some control over the problem. I used to drink quite alot but it is being overweight that has caused it for me. I have not eaten a takeaway since diagnosis!! I am on mirtazapine which is toxic to the liver, so GP is keeping this under review too. At the moment it is better that my anxiety is better and liver is stable :-)

The doctors have explained to me that this is a very common condition and that of all the organs to bugger up it is the only one that will repair itself!

I have read and try to use the principles of a great book called "you can reverse fatty liver disease" Dr Sandra Cabot...........get it!!

Take care and if you need any advice feel free to message me.

I feel fortunate that I know what is wrong with me and that it is something that i can influence and hopefully reverse!! The next step, if i had not acted would have been diabetes...........and I do not want that.

Stacy :-)

12-03-11, 22:39
Thanks Stacey. The annoying thing for me is that I have felt really rough for just over a year now, if you read my previous posts you will see my story. I get a lot of pain in the liver / gallbladder region, have done for a long time, but the dr has always said I have ibs. My symptoms started just before Christmas 09 after I would say alot of drinking, mainly taking clients out. I stopped drinking for 2 months last year and felt better. I then started going out again and having some drinks on a Saturday night and my stomach has really bloated around the abdominal region. The dr had said that there was nothing wrong with my liver as all function tests have always been in the normal range. Since having the ultrasound I have not had a drink and don't plan to either. I am eating healthy and have lost about a stone in 3 weeks. What concerns me is I done the Lighterlife diet a few years back which restricts you to 500 calories a day and you loose weight quick I lost about 3 stone in 3 months. I think this has caused my liver to now store fat and caused the problem. Since I put the weight back on my chloresteral has shot up and so has the trygicides. I suppose the good thing is is my liver function tests are still okay so that has to be a good sign and Im not showing any signs of jaundice. I get alot of back and shoulder pain too and my stomach makes terrible noises when I eat. I'm getting alot of flatulence and bloating. I also get tired too, though a year ago I was having to go to bed at 7.30 everynight as the fatigue was so severe. Apologies if this is all over the place as I'm typing this on my I phone.

13-03-11, 00:09
You hit a soft spot in me. My panic attacks are a direct result of my spouse getting liver disease, being hopitalized, and almost dying. So, your liver panels sound great, you just need to change your diet, cut back on your alcohol. You are smart and proactive to get a regular check up. My husband is better today but we have a very long road ahead of us. There is a great website about liver health: http://www.liverdoctor.com/ I bought her books and we now only eat low sodium which is better for your liver. I wish you the best!

13-03-11, 08:46
Many thanks seekingpeace. I hope your hubby makes a full recovery. I read that even if you have serious liver disease you can halt the damage by change of diet and lifestyle. I suppose it is good that my liver function is okay, well I hope it is as I'm sure the dr wouldn't have requested I attend for a regular appointment to discuss results with the nurse. I think my chloresteral is high still. Take care and thanks again to you all for your replies, much appreciated and comforting.

13-03-11, 17:32
I am sure you will be fine, low calorie diets are not good for your liver and the key is healthy eating and good exercise. I have really cut back on the crap I used to eat and the weight loss is slow but I have made changes for life :) The liver is amazing and all the doctors have said love it and it will love you back:)

Take care and look after your liver :)

13-03-11, 18:54
Thanks Stacey. I now realise that this diet has probably caused my problem as I had a abdominal scan in 2008 and everything was perfect. I have my appointment with the dr tomorrow and expecting just to be told that my lipids are high. I will post tomorrow and update. I'm going to chat to the dr tomorrow and get him to elaborate on the scan, though I'm sure the sonographer know the difference between something more sinister than fatty liver. Thanks again Stacey, and good luck with your diet and exercise.

14-03-11, 23:04
Just to update, I went to the GP today expecting to be told that my chloresteral was high which it is, along with the bad chloresteral but I was told that 2 of the liver function results were high too. I freaked, as the letter I received from the drs was to make a routine appointment with the nurse I can't believe it. My blood glucose was borderline too. He said that he was not too concerned and said that I had to change my lifestyle. I said that I was eating healthy and had lost some weight. I showed him the scan report and he said fatty liver. Though it says very course which would be consistent with fat infiltration. I'm worried it's more serious especially as two levels are out too. He said carry on as I am, eating healthy and to come back in 2 months and have the tests again. What I'm also concern about is he has requested a full blood count again and I'm wondering if this was out too! As why would he re test it? I had a thyroid test and he hasn't requested this to be repeated. I'm totally confused! One good thing though is my blood pressure is normal and the last few taken have been high.
One last thing, he mentioned that fatty liver does not cause pain which I'm getting though Stacey mentioned she gets pain and on a few forums people say they have pain. I wonder if his knowledge is good on the liver which is another concern.

15-03-11, 09:36
Don't panic!! The NHS do not really register fatty liver as anything to worry about.....as in non drinkers it is uncommon for the problem to progress to more serious liver trouble(wrong)....so they kind of shrug it off....also remember they can't prescribe anything for it, so it is of little interest to them. It is purely lifestyle changes that can change this, remember though 30% of adults in the UK have this condition. Also, it is common in people who are not over weight as well. We are just unlucky having this.....BUT....knowing can stop us getting worse and developing diabetes etc. My liver tests showed my ALT was 125 the last time which is 3X higher than it should be, although the rest were ok......cholesterol was 5.7. My ESR which indicates inflamation is also elevated...mildly......and the GP thinks this is my liver too :ohmy: Iam 37 this year and I want to be rid of this for my 40th!!!

As for no pain.....humf....I went backwards and forwards to the GP with sore right ribs and abdominal pain, as well as shoulder trouble and it took 12 months for the GP to do a scan!! My GP also said fatty liver doesn't cause pain, well wrong it 100% does!! It causes my all sorts of horrible digestive issues too!!

I have to repeat tests after easter and I am hoping to see an improvement, I think my antidepressants have added to this problem as they are liver toxic (mirtazapine) and they make you put on weight (nice!!) so they are reviewing these each time as well.

please try not to worry too much, but I know too well how frightened you feel and fed up! I am kicking up my efforts now to do more to lose weight and working hard to wear out my local fitness first's equipment!!

The full blood count helps the doctor see how all the processes are working and indicates general health, they always repeat it with me each time.

Take care :)

15-03-11, 19:43
Thanks Stacey. I'm actually started to feel quite Ill and I'm always tired. The pain has been quite bad too seems to always be in the gallbladder region. I'm sure if the levels were really out he would have sent me for further tests. I just keep worrying that it has progressed on from fatty liver and gone to cirrohisis and I'm getting liver failure, though again, I'm sure I wouldn't be able to get up in the morning and go to work. I have no jaundice so again think that is a good sign. Good luck Stacey with your fitness and healthy lifestyle.

16-03-11, 09:12
Thank you :) and best of luck to you as well. Feel free to message me on here anytime and I will do my best to help. Nothing worse than feeling like you are the only one with this problem!!

17-03-11, 01:58
They want you back in 2 months to see if your choles. has gone down. If not, they will put you on medication to lower it. They are going to see if your blood levels change through regular diet and exercise which is a GOOD sign!!! He is not worried about your thyroid which is why no testing on that. As far as the liver goes - My husband was sick and it got worse. He threw up every morning which progressed to several times a day. He had the runs and completely lost his appetite. Not for days for MONTHS. After 2 months he finally went to the hospital. It was very obvious something was really wrong. His stomach blew up and he had ascites (looked nine months pregnant). He had over 25 pounds of water in his abdominal lining. His eyes turned yellow as well as his skin. He has since changed his lifestyle completely and while not cured (cirrhosis), he is definitely in a better place now. Please do not worry. Did you ask your Dr. if he wants you back for a chol. recheck? Ask him or her.

18-03-11, 09:00
Thanks seeking peace. I'm glad to hear that your husband is getting better. My stomach blew up too and I looked pregnant. Can the drs tell from a physical examination and by looking at your stomach if you have ascities? I also have the runs alot though this is getting better since changing my diet to veg and fish. I have started waking early too at 5ish every morning and I have heard this can be a sign of liver problems. I've started to lose weight and my shirts are fitting better. In the past I've also had dark urine and light stools, I went through a stage early last year of passing clay coloured runs. My only saving grace if you can call it that is my eyes are clear and I'm not yellow. I also get quite tired too, I know Stacey mentioned that she gets that with fatty liver. I have stopped drinking for good, only drank on a Saturday before. I am still able to get around so that has to be a good sign too - I hope. I would have thought the dr would have sent me to hospital if he was really concerned though I don't trust my drs anyway. Sorry to GP on.

18-03-11, 12:25
You sound like you are doing everything healthy to me! Eat good food (not processed or cut way back on it), stop drinking (that is REALLY good for liver), cut back on sodium, exercise, and take a multi-vitamin and a B complex. B complex helps for getting rid of toxins and also with anxiety.

I have to go back to my doctor in two months too for another blood test. They told me they are monitoring my blood sugar since I have such big spikes. My fasting blood sugar is high, but I will go to 70 during the day and was told much lower could make me pass out! I eat little snacks during the day to keep my blood sugar stable(almonds, whole grains and protein). It has made a big difference so I am not as worried as I was.

Doctors can definitely tell when you have ascites. They thump and tap and do a stomach roll. Your veins will basically pop out all around your stomach area due to the engorgement and your belly button may pop out too (his did). He got a hernia from his ascites. They stick a needle with a little cathedar into the lining after they do an ultrasound to see where most of the water is and then you drain into big bottles. It is not very painful. They let me come in and watch. It gives instant relief to the patient. It is not a cure though. It is just relief and they don't like doing it because of infection. Until the liver gets better, it can continue to happen and it pretty much happens over the course of 1-3 days:-( It took my husband months on being on a low sodium diet, and water pills to see the ascites go away....He had to be "drained" several times as well. But he DID improve. It just took diligence to the diet and lifestyle changes and time. Your liver is one of the organs that CAN get better if you treat it right.

19-03-11, 23:22
Thanks seeking for the reply. I've noticed that my thought process is not as sharpe as it used to be and my concentration is not that great too. Like Stacey, I'm extremely tired most of the time and have been getting alot of shoulder pain as well as pain on the right hand side under ribs I have also been waking early in the morning. Last year when this all started I had severe abdominal pain and felt very sick. This started after quite a few months of heavy drinking and partying I hate to add. I had all sorts of tests, including a camera up and down and lft which were all okay. I stopped drinking for 2 months and felt better though still unwell at times. I was waking at 3 every morning then. I then started having a few drinks on a Saturday night and my tummy swelled and I put on so much weight. I was eating well too. It was only a few weeks back that I had the scan and the report about the coarse liver that I have noticed more pain again in the right upper side. I have not had a drink in 3 weeks, have eaten loads of veg and lost some weight, about 4kgs. The dr done some bloods and 2 of the lft were out. I am wondering now whether or not the sonographer would have written in her report if she thought the liver could be scared or fibrosis. Im wondering if they can tell the difference or have an idea, though I know the only real way of yelling is a biopsy. I also wonder if I have ascities and dr hasn't noticed, though they have commented about the weight I gain around my abdomen. I haven't been sick and have not had jaundice. Not sure Stacey if you have weird noises from your stomach after eating. I'm also getting lots of wind too. I have been out today and done alot of walking, even popped in the pub to see everyone and drank water and lime. I'm just worried like hell that it is something more sinister though sure I wouldn't be able to be walking around. I must admit that I don't feel as I'll as I did last year. Sorry if I'm going on!

23-03-11, 19:32

My stomach can be extremely loud and I suffer terribly with indigestion and gas! I can tell when I have eaten something I shouldn't as the pain is harsh!

My symptoms from fatty liver are:

Terrible memory, foggy feeling, unable to think straight, unbalanced and giddy.

Rib pain on right side, feeling like a basketball is wedged underneath my ribcage. Thankfully this is easing now so I think (hope)my liver is recovering a bit!

Terrible digestion and bloating

palms of hands are pinker than they used to be, which sent me mad about cirhosis etc which I have been assured isn't happening....yet!

coated tongue

dizzyness and fatigue

hormonal issues

terrible moods and anxiety, which I can relate to my liver trouble.

Cravings for sugar and carbs.........which again is the liver problem causing a certain level of insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome.

I am doing liver cleanses which are interesting......try them.....garlic and ginger with olive oil....recipes on google...seems to perk me up.

Still hitting the gym three times a week, eating alot better than I ever have. Weight loss is slow but again that is to be expected with this problem. Next thing to be modified is caffeine intake as that increases the problem. Also, I don't think I will ever drink alcohol again!! Carbs are best limited and increased protein certainly makes me feel better, oh and eggs are great! I am also a terrible night owl and this just adds to my tiredness :doh:

Anyway i thought this would help and i hope you are doing ok?

23-03-11, 22:04
Thanks Stacey, you certainly mentioned alot of symptoms that I get. I have found that my head fog clears slightly if I eat more. My partner believes that I could be suffering carb withdrawal, though I am not avoiding carbs I have not eaten bread for 3-4 weeks. the tiredness is very unpredictable hitting me at work, on the way to work or in the evenings. Last night I had so much energy I was still awake at midnight, though tonight I could have fell asleep at 9 on the sofa. I notice and have noticed since being I'll a year ago that the liver area seems swollen especially after eating and I have what they call the liver roll. Like you, I don't think I will drink again. I have an appointment at the drs tomorrow morning as want him to check that acities is not the reason for my swollen stomach. Thanks again Stacey. I will check the liver diets as I do like garlic, Ginger etc. good luck with your dieting and fitness drive and keep in touch and let me know how you are getting along. Take care.

23-03-11, 22:23
Hi Mighty pc

If you don,t mind me asking how old are you ? I need to cut down on my drinking , i,m going to make an effort next week .

24-03-11, 09:41
I asked about fluid retention in the abdomen and the doctor said it would show on ultrasound and also you feel VERY ill with this problem, hence people end up in hospital having it drained away. I try to stay grounded BUT being a huge anxiety sufferer my mind is constantly worried!!!

Well done on limiting the carbs........I can't go completely cold turkey as I suffer terrible headaches and nausea without some carbs. I ate cake yesterday which was naughty BUT back on the healthy path again today!

Last night I was very tired but like you mentioned sometimes I can feel quite energetic and bright.

I have started taking a good quality vitamin and I am thinking about taking milk thistle, although my GP says not to as it is not known what effect it has if any?!!

I am in a constant cycle of checking for issues.....I must check the whites of my eyes at least 5 times a day!! :blush:

meant to mention that my skin has been terrible, rosacea and acne (a bit).

I used to drink very heavily and I think this triggered "fatty liver" and now the fatty liver has made me overweight.

Good luck and please keep me posted on how you are doing!

24-03-11, 17:30
Hi Stacey,

I saw the Dr this morning who confirmed that my ALT was marginally raised – think the limit is up to 58 mine was 63. My Albumin was also marginally out. I am told a low level of this indicates liver disease. I said that I was worried about my liver and he didn’t seem too concerned, said the albumin can fluctuate , though the British Liver Trust disagree that this fluctuates, and ALT would be indicative of Fatty Liver.

I only mentioned to my Mrs last night that I have noticed that I am getting spotty , especially on my back and head. I never suffered acne as a teenager. Have also noticed that my skin has got very oily and my hands sweat a lot. My feet, especially the right one, can get very blotchy and itchy. I have been itching a little too over the last few days. I am also waking earlier in the morning – about 05.30 each time though I can get back to sleep.

Like you, I keep checking my eyes for jaundice though a lot of people have commented that they look very clear and that my complexion looks better. Someone remarked that I looked younger! My appetite is good too.

What does worry me is that I was and felt very rough around Xmas 09 and had long periods of feeling very ill during the course of last year. The back pain and shoulder pain has been unbearable at times and I have felt bloody awful. At my worst period, I was in bed at 7.30 very night absolutely drained!

At that time of feeling ill – Xmas 09, I was drinking heavily and regularly, taking clients out and socialising. Usually I only dank on a Friday and or Saturday having about 7 – 8 pints of Strongbow draught which is around 4.5%. Don’t drink strong larger, shots or spirits and no where near the amount that others I know drink . I have stopped now, this Saturday will be 4 weeks and to be honest I don’t think I will drink again for a very long time. I have told work that I am not travelling – which has not gone down well, but I do not want to be out entertaining clients every night.

Stacey, keep in touch and feel free to message me and I will update you on my progress too.

Mel, I am 40.

24-03-11, 17:34
By the way forgot to mention. My trigs and chloresterol are high and someone mentioned - Metaboloic Sydrome X. This causes weight gain especially around the tummy area which I have had for about a year now.

24-03-11, 18:53
Hi Mate

I,ve always drank , i need to cut it out completely . Most people i know drink every night and don,t seem to worry about it .

Good for you packing in the drink , i really need to get my act together .

24-03-11, 21:25
my ALT is 128!!! but all the others were normal and low cholesterol as well. Elevated ALT is always indicative of this liver problem and I am hoping next time they do the test it has gone down as I worry they will stop my antidepressants, as they can make it worse (which I need!!) I feel like absolute crap today and did not eat regularly so the day has ended with a nice migraine (which only started with this liver trouble) I would love to shout from the roof tops "LOOK AFTER YOUR LIVERS" so noone else feels like this.

I look forward to hearing that you are recovering and I hope that I will too.

25-03-11, 16:12
I was worrying last night about the Albumin level and the British Liver Trust telling me that is does indicate liver disease, though I dont know what the level was. My sensible head tells me that had the levels been of concern the Dr would have done more tests or examinations, he wouldnt leave it for 2 months.

Anyway, symptoms today: hot all over, sweaty hands, oily skin, itchy skin and fatigue. Appetite very good lol.

When are you have your LFT re-checked?

26-03-11, 11:49

Well, you sound like you are doing exactly the same as me and worrying far too much!!! I spent yesterday convinced I had accumulated fluid in my abdomen and I was going to need to go to hospital !! I have calmed myself down now and think it is just fat lol!! I spent a good hour tapping and rolling my stomach to test for it and not being a doctor meant all I accomplished was stressing myself out!! I have no idea what my albumin level was as the doc just said they were all ok accept ALT, but I could also have elevated levels too so don't worry. I have spoken to a lady who is 43 and she was diagnosed with fatty liver when she was 35, she ignored the warnings and developed cirhosis and she managed to return her LFTs to good levels and get in a good state of health despite the problem. Her liver is now functioning well and she halted the cirhosis. She did this with regular attendance at a gym, doing spin classes and a healthy diet. I am working my way up to spin classes as they look full on!!! I really recommend the book by Dr Sandra Cabot it is very reassuring and helpful :)

I have all those symptoms you have mentioned and more! The biggest problem is acid reflux and indigestion with nausea, I don't like to take meds for it as all bad for liver,so I live with it. I struggle to take pain killers when I have a migraine as I worry about my poor liver!!

I am going for LFT retest after easter :ohmy: and I am hoping to see a decrease so I can stay on mirtazapine a while longer as anxiety/depression is the biggest issue! Anyway I am going to try and spend my weekend not worrying about my liver and enjoying some time with my children:) hope you have a good weekend too!

27-03-11, 15:14
Hi, i went to Holland & Barrett yesterday the manageress was fantastic. She has givene some granules to reduce chloresteral, hers was 6.8 and went down to 5.4 in 3 weeks. It is also good for liver, heart and the brain. I also got milk thistle capsules. she recommended seeing a nutritionist and said they can really help with advice on food that will eliminate fat from the body as well as the liver and help me get my levels down. I eat a healthy diet but too much of what I eat increases the trig levels which has a knock on effect with the chloresteral. I will look into getting that book you mentioned. I've been quite okay today bait tired, odd ache over liver and the oily hands yuk! I keep waking early too which is one of my concerns as this can Indicate liver problems. Do you get the itchiness? That's one of the worst symptoms that I have been experiencing lately. Anyway, take care and enjoy what's left of the weekend.

28-03-11, 09:47

Milk Thistle is supposed to be good and I will start taking them, although my GP said it is not good!!??with regards to diet it is the carbs that cause the problem, good and bad carbs all store fat and sugar (as fat!) It is protein and raw plant food which we should eat the majority of the time. I have seen the best results with how I feel from going to the gym, I leave looking like a beetroot but I can feel so much brighter for a good session of cycling. What are the granules? I wold be very interested in them? Also, I am trying to drink ALOT of water as that is supposed to help flush the system and V8 vegetable juice as well.

One massive positive is that neither of us as ignored the warning and are both doing what we can to reverse it, which is great.

I have not had any itchyness but now it has been mentioned I expect my anxiety will latch on to that point now and I will be scratching away!! Yikes!! I had a very bad nights sleep and was awake most of the night stressing, this has been worse during the time I have felt ill. Anyway, I am stilll here today so will keep on trucking!!

Take care

28-03-11, 11:00
Hi, the granules are called soya lecithin, you can get them in capsules. I jumped on the scales this morning and I have lost a kg since Friday. Reading up on Lecithin it also claims it is great for weight loss too. I highly recommend this.
I am also drinking cocnut water which is also good for the liver and system. I do like this anyway and drink it whenever I have been in Brazil.
I have just made a call to a nutrionist and waiting for a call back. I have not had any joy from the dr in helping with this so I will seek all the help advice that I can independently.

I was thinking to myself last night, if the liver was in failure or in an extremely poor state I am sure I wouldnt be able to eat as I am move around as I am, though at times I do feel very rough. I am glads to say the foggy headiness seems to have faded - hope I am not tempting fate! I am waking in the morning feeling alot sweaty though my mrs gets very hot at night and I have noticed she has the radiator on low all night. Carrying a few extra pounds probably dosent help either.

Keep on chipping away and we will get there!

28-03-11, 14:17
Waking early is also a classic sign of anxiety - I've had this many, many times and it's usually one of the first symptoms I get when my brain goes into overdrive.

29-03-11, 10:02
You might be waking early due to the diet changes!!

Well done on your weight loss :) I am a stone lighter now, but it has not fallen off easily!!

I will head to holland and barrett this afternoon and get those granules as just read online that they are great for fatty liver and weight loss :)thanks for the tip.

I also like coconut water so will get some of that too :) whilst I am not happy that you have also got this problem with your liver, it is very nice to hear from someone else who is struggling with this disorder:)

I will send you my email address as would very much like to hear of your progress and results and feel that perhaps to continue posting on this thread could turn it in to a public event lol.

don't forget to get Sandra Cabot's book.

11-04-11, 16:01
Im very new to this, but I also have worries about my liver... I do drink more than recoommended amount, and had LFT's and Ultrasound done.... both came back fine, however I am still convinced I have damage!! Dpctor says all is ok, but it dosn't stop me worrying