View Full Version : I honestly feel like I might go crazy

02-03-11, 23:49

I have been suffering with anxiety for about 3 years now. Things all came to a head about 6 months ago and it just got unbearable. It was as if someone had suddenly flicked a switch. Things were so bad that I gave up work and have been stuck at home since.

After a really bad few months I made it my New Years Resolution to try and get better again. Things had got so awful I wasn't leaving the house at all and often didn't get out of bed. I feel a little bit better now which is partly thanks to seeing a therapist and partly from forcing myself to do things I was scared of!

I get lots of different symptoms but one of them I find really frightening and it is the thought of going mad. I would like to hear if anyone else suffers from this symptom too? It really scares me, especially at night so I expect I am in for a sleepless night! I am not sure how the madness would eventually appear, possibly like I have been possessed or literally just gone 'bonkers'.

Can anyone else relate to this experience? Is it really just the anxiety or am I actually going to go mad? Maybe my brain has got bored of the fear of being sick in front of people and fainting!!!!!


03-03-11, 01:06
I know how you feel, recently myself I've had thoughts of going mad, totally losing the plot and people just not even caring.
I try not to think about it too much, although I fear it may partly be the reason why after 2 weeks of being on leave from work and being stressed out about constantly being told off basically for being ill so much that I've now had to call in sick for the week, I just couldn't face it. I'm terrified that as soon as I'm back I'll be dragged into the office and whatever I do this week to try and help myself will all be undone, I'll be back to square one and I'll totally lose it. I've been feeling very close to the edge, and I'm sure they could tip me over it, I'm still stressing now because I dread to think what they'll say for being off again but I'm trying to relax because it's doing me no good.

Sorry I can't help more, but know you're not alone :hugs: