View Full Version : Muscle twitching - need reassurance

03-04-06, 23:23
Hey guys,
I need some reassurance today.

I have had a pretty good day today. My anxiety didnt overwhelm me all day, and I didnt let my health concerns stay in my head constantly. I went out to lunch with a friend and almost felt normal for the first time in a month.

My mind has finally focused on 2 things as far as health anxiety goes; a brain tumor and ALS.

The (almost) daily headaches I've been getting make my tumor fears worse, and the ALS fears are started by what I need reassurance on: muscle twitching.

Over the last month I've been getting muscle twitches in various parts of my body. Both of my arms and legs, as well as my torso. It happens in my torso mostly around the ribcage and abdomen area. They mostly happen when I am relaxing.

Right now, although I have my anxiety under control, the twitching is freaking me out. I have a good friend who has ALS and watching him go downhill is sad and difficult. Now my muscle twitching has made me think I have it.

If you have any reassurance for me, it sure would be appreciated..

03-04-06, 23:30

First and foremost get checked out by a physician to rule this out. Once it is ruled out, you must realize that it could be caused by anxiety and watching your friend go through it must be extremely difficult. Are you getting any kind of counseling? I have muscle twitching under my right eye when I am stressed out, although I realize it doesn't compare to what you are going through but I know mine is all due to stress. I would definately see a doctor first though.
