View Full Version : Am I an hypercondriac?

Granny Primark
03-03-11, 13:05
I try not to whinge about my physical health. However due to a car accident years ago I suffer with trapped nerves in my kneck and a claw right hand.
Arthritus set in years ago cus of this injury.
The pain is horrendous at times. However with pain killers and the shower head on really hot water sprayed on my kneck, shoulder and arm I cope.
Now im in constant pain with my hip and finding it difficult to walk.
Ive got go for xrays to find out what the prob is.
My docs brill shes so understanding.
Im just so scared.
Ive confided in no one not even my family. I really dont want worry them unecessarily.
My aunt had arthritus in all her joints and im scared this will happen to me.

03-03-11, 15:09
Hi there

First of all, I wouldn't worry too much about the term "hypochondriac" - it's just an old fashioned name for health anxiety.

Arthritis is a very common problem ,unfortunately, and of course as we are all living longer, more of us will suffer from it as it's often (but not always) an age-related problem. I have it too, following a road accident years ago, and unfortunately my left foot and ankle are riddled with it. Luckily for me though, I don't get much pain there, but it has given me long-term back pain and I also occasionally have problems with the other joints in my left leg.

There also seem to be hereditary tendencies to it - I know quite a few of the women in my family seemed to get it, so I wonder whether any of it was linked in with osteoporosis.

try not to worry too much - there is some pretty decent medication out there for it which might well help you.

03-03-11, 15:09
Hi Lynn, we haven't communicated in ages but I guess you'll remember me. Just thought I'd tell you my neighbour has really bad arthritis and has had both knees and ankles replaced and is almost completely pain free now. She even had it done with a local anaesthetic and epidural, eeek! I don't care what they do to me if I'm asleep and as long as I wake up I'm happy with the pain that follows if I know it will go when it's better but I couldn't be awake. Anyway, just thought it might help to know it can't be that bad if she went through it that way as she is very anxious like us. Arthritis is a real threat when you get to our age eh, I know I ache everywhere these days, I hate getting old!

Good luck with it Lynne, let us know how it goes.

Love Fran