View Full Version : Feeling happier again

03-03-11, 13:11
As some of you know, I have been through a bit of a bad patch, with anxiety, and feeling really down.and I was getting worried that it would get worse.
I have stopped drinking red wine every night, eaten mostly nothing but healthy foods and fruit, lots of water, started going to bed earlier and getting lots of exercise by walking. I have stopped eating cheese again - because every time I eat cheese I get depressed! I love cheese too :(
I know the wine was not making the medication work properly. It's so tempting to have a glass of wine in the evenings to help relax me, but I just can't give in not at the moment.
I have started to feel better and yesterday and so far today, I feel a lot happier and a lot less emotional and tired.
I just hope it lasts for a while! I know my mood is going to go down again at some point but I just hope its not for a while yet.
My gp wouldn't give me mood stabilisers as I am such a high dose of Citalopram :shrug: and he doesn't think my moods warrant me having mood stabiliser! Maybe he should come and live with me or ask my boyfriend!!! lol
Thank You to everyone who sent me lovely messages. They really helped me.:hugs:

Vanilla Sky
03-03-11, 14:18
Im so glad to hear you are doing well Poppy , there is light at the end of the tunnel, we just have to give it time . Well done you :D

Paige :hugs: xxx

Hazel B
03-03-11, 20:06
So glad to hear you're OK. I gave up fags, caffeine and fatty food when my anxiety started, it was REALLY difficult but I feel better for it now. I miss caffeine the most!

Keep smiling and stay strong.:hugs:x

03-03-11, 21:47
Hi Paige and Hazel
Thanks both for your replies :)
Paige - I agree there is light at the tunnel but it just seems a long time in coming sometimes. Whenever I have been down before, I seem to get really down, and then pick up again. It must be awful for people who are down for ages. It scares me.
Hazel - I am trying to cut down on drinking tea, as I drink too much of it. I can't touch coffee as it affects my mood very quickly. I do miss it.I don't smoke and gave up quite a long time ago now.
How are you now? It must be good being back at work. :hugs: x