View Full Version : Need reassurance

04-04-06, 00:39
Hey guys. I posted this on the health anxiety forum, but I thought I'd put it here in case you dont read both forums..

I need some reassurance today.

I have had a pretty good day today. My anxiety didnt overwhelm me all day, and I didnt let my health concerns stay in my head constantly. I went out to lunch with a friend and almost felt normal for the first time in a month.

My mind has finally focused on 2 things as far as health anxiety goes; a brain tumor and ALS.

The (almost) daily headaches I've been getting make my tumor fears worse, and the ALS fears are started by what I need reassurance on: muscle twitching.

Over the last month I've been getting muscle twitches in various parts of my body. Both of my arms and legs, as well as my torso. It happens in my torso mostly around the ribcage and abdomen area. They mostly happen when I am relaxing on the couch or bed.

Right now, although I have my anxiety under control, the twitching is freaking me out. I have a good friend who has ALS and watching him go downhill is sad and difficult. Now my muscle twitching has made me think I have it.

If you have any reassurance for me, it sure would be appreciated..

04-04-06, 08:15
Hi Hun

Im sure there is nothing to worry about but i would say if you are very worried then check it out with your doctor as they would be the ones to give you the peace of mind.

Sorry i coud'nt have been of more help.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

04-04-06, 09:03
Hi Scfan, I so know what you are talking about. I had the headaches and the muscle twitching. Mine started 5 years ago after the birth of my son when my panic attack/anxiety and postanal depression started. I was so convinced I had a brain tumour or some neurological disease that I asked to be referred to a neurologist. It took nearly 6 months to get to see one but they did a CT scan and various other tests which all came back fine and they put it down to anxiety. I still get the muscle twitches but no where near as severe mainly when I am stressed and anxious and feeling tense and mine also happen when i am lying down or sitting still, I don't notice them when I am busy doing something. Maybe it is something to do with muscle tension but I do know that they can't be anything serious as I am still here after 5 years!!!
Have you told your doctor about your concerns at all? Don't mean to sound ignorant but what is ALS?
Hope this helps to reassure you a bit, PM or email anytime if you want to.
Take care
Love Lisax