View Full Version : hi im toni louise and need help!!!

03-03-11, 14:46
hi im toni and i really need some help so i can get my life back on track, when i was 17 i went out with a man who seemed ok, but soon showed me his true colours he was very violent and i ended up in hospital numerous times, i then fell pregnant and had to keep the baby but i didnt want to because of the position i was in, but carried on after i had my little man social services came to my door and 5yrs prior to that day he was fiven a prison sentence and was a schedule 1 offender against child abuse i faought socail services i managed to move away, but the damage had already been done i lost my child to adoption, i went down hill alot and thats when my panic attacks started, i then last yr somehow managed to get my self in the same sort of position again but this time he broke my knee and i had to have surgery this happened exactly 1yr ago, but now my attacks are a lot worse but no one understands and just calls me stupid please help :blush:

03-03-11, 14:47
Hi ttyrer

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

~glowly worm~
03-03-11, 19:07
hey toni,

so sorry to hear what you have been through.
Be assured everyone here is lovely and will do what they can to support you.
Im sorry i cant be of more use but i know how it feels to be welcomed here so am giving you a gentle hello hug xx

Never feel afraid to post anything ive come so far thanks to this site and am sure you can too ;)


glowly xx

03-03-11, 22:34
Ho ttyrer.

Welcome. No one should ever call you stupid. It's easy to say when you are not in a situation that you should get out but in an abusive relationship the "offender" seems to have a hold over you.
It's really sad that you lost your child. It is understandable that something as traumatic as that has left you feeling so anxious.
Can I ask if you are still in this relationship, it wasn't clear from your post.
Have you tried anything to help your anxiety, like CBT?
Anyway, welcome again, talk to you again,

03-03-11, 22:44
hey no i left both relationships, with very little help, just pushed myself, being in hospital gave me a long time to think about it, i got him arrested for it, i have tried to get help for it but walking into the docs is hard enough for me xxx

03-03-11, 23:00
Hello Toni,

I am very sorry to hear about your struggles in life, especially at such a tender age. I too have been through a similar situation with domestic violence and fully understand the hardship that accompanies it. Please be careful not to slip back into old habits and give yourself some time before enterering into any new relationship. Always remember that you deserve better, and that none of what happened was your fault. This site is brilliant and everyone is really friendly, and its always nice to speak to someone that actually knows what you are going through.

Hope you are ok

04-03-11, 16:59
i completly agree no one i know has been through it and they think its easy, you hear them say stuff like i woud have just left...wishfull thinking, one thing it has done for me is made me grow up really quick, i have been through alot im only 24 now, it hasnt been easy but i beat it just need to get over these attacks... xx