View Full Version : Minimum age you can have panic attacks?

03-03-11, 16:24

Just a question really as I think I've always had some sort of panic attack disorder for as long as I can remember

Does anyone know if children can suffer panic attacks?


03-03-11, 17:11
hi my son started having panic attacks at age 12 they were diagnosed, he also had depression and was put on prozac for a few months, he did get better after a few months and he is now nearly 23 and no probs since ,but i have always looked out for the signs since then so i guess the answer is yes children can xxx

03-03-11, 17:52
think it is called school phobia .
whatever the trigger and given all children have to go to school daily ?
my friends son had it and it took a lot of family counselling and care from the school staff and gradual reintroduction with support to get that lad back to health again.
so yes I think children get anxiety attacks hugely .......not sure of panic ones though .

03-03-11, 18:40
I can remember having panic attacks at school. No-body knew what they were. I was fourteen/ fifteen. I managed to get my O levels but had to leave after a year of A levels. I did not get any support to stay or home tutors etc. If anyone is reading this and suffering at school please ask for help to continue your studies. It is something I've always regretted. EJ.

03-03-11, 19:02
Well a friend of mine on here said that they had a panic attack at the age of 3!

I remember my first attack around age 16 at school, but I was always an anxious child and apparently extremely stubborn lol.

03-03-11, 19:08
I got my panic attacks at the age of 8 and i noticed something was wrong.

04-03-11, 15:41
Thanks for the replies everyone

I believe mine started way back and appeared as separation anxiety from my Mum. I couldn't go to nursery as I didn't want to be away from her. When I started school, I used to cling on to the steering wheel and beg her not to make me go :mad: Oh, I'm a strange one :winks: