View Full Version : please please help me :-(

03-03-11, 16:27

I started taking Fluoxetine capsules back in dec. Well, every now and then since I started taking them it felt ike I had the capsule stuck in my throat, but it would only last a day or so and then go. For the past 4 weeks the feeling has been constant and its really getting me down as its making me think I have cancer and that if I go and i'll have to see an ENT who will shove a camera down my throat (one of my BIGGEST fears!)
Anyway I went to my Dr on Tues this week for a med review and explained it to her and she seems to think that the capsules have inflamed my gullet and has now changed me to liquid Fluoxetine.

Was wondering has anyone else has this experience with capsules? and how can I help my gullet heal - its really bad today :-(



03-03-11, 19:22
ive had this feeling before with my fluoxetine its like it is stuck to the side of my throat and yes the feeling can last a while as well but if you are focusing on it to much i find the feeling doesnt go away x

~glowly worm~
03-03-11, 19:23

sorry to hear about your experience Laura :(
I did have trouble with them at various points mostly because i was taking them without liquids..daft head i am! It felt similar and tended to last a few days.

However with regard to your worry about having to see ENT please try and hang on to the fact that your GP has diagnosed the problem as due to the capsules rather than cancer. If she thought you needed to see an ENT she would have referred you x

Im not sure exactly how to ease a gullet but warm drinks tended to help me.

Hope this helps a little x