View Full Version : Chest pain

03-03-11, 16:29

Wondered if any of you would be able to help me or relate to this?

For the past 10 days or so I have been having left sided chest pain which started mildly but came on again worse than ever yesterday, worsening whenever I stood up. My husband thought I should phone NHS direct, I wasn't sure but was scared as I have never had chest pain before I thought it best to call them. I described my symptoms to the nurse, about 8 out of 10 on pain scale, felt like a burning pain, with palpitations fairly often which felt like my heart was turning over, and that the pain radiated into my back slightly. I have a terrible family history of early heart disease so before I knew it an ambulance was outside. When I was checked over, they told me I was bradycardic as my heart rate was 32bpm. I got completely scared then as this was what my Dad's was when he had his heart attack. They took me into A&E and I had all the relevant tests, ECG, blood, xrays and they kept me in last night. My HR increased to around 45-50bpm while I was there. I was discharged as thank goodness they found no evidence of heart attack or any clots, they thought the pain could possibly be muscular or a form of gastritis and explained my very low HR could be down to being a regular runner. It is always in the 50s but being on the 30s has really scared me. I am being referred to a cardiologist mainly due to my family history just to be on the safe side.

I am new here but definitely not new to anxiety, I have suffered with health anxiety and general anxiety since I was about 14 years old, it comes and goes and I recognise that I have been feeling more anxious lately as I have become convinced something is wrong again.

What I'm trying to ask really is if anyone with anxiety has had chest pains like this brought on solely by anxiety? I have noticed the pain comes on after eating and drinking, surely if it was muscular it would be more constant rather than coming and going? If I think about it, it also seems to get worse. There is a burning type pain in my chest now, and I keep feeling a bubbling sensation under my ribcage?

I am so relieved there was nothing sinister from the tests and I'm sure they wouldn't have discharged me if there was anything to worry about. They told me if the pain got really bad to just phone 999, but to take ibuprofen if I felt I could manage at home and that it should hopefully go of its own accord within a few days. It isn't anywhere near as bad as yesterday but it is there and I have this horrible worry in the pit of my stomach since finding out my pulse is so slow.

I can't wait to see the cardiologist!

Any advice or experience will be greatly appreciated,

Thanks so much,

Gemma x

03-03-11, 17:12
Hi and :welcome:

I would say that the pain could be related to indigestion seeing as you say it is coming on after eating and drinking.

It may be worth having a word with the doctor about trying something like Omeprazole which will help with acid reflux/indigestion.

03-03-11, 17:50
Agree with Nicloa .

I get regulary chest pain (just been for a regular check up today about my meds)

Chest pain and the burning can be either anxiety or acid ingestion . If you get a burning and gurgling after meals its acid stomach . Mines worse with anxiety as one fuels the other . My chest pains take my breath away at times . See your doc about some acid meds i,m sure thats all it is :)