View Full Version : so petrified!!!! Please help me!!

03-03-11, 20:39
I'm so scared as I was happily walking around and my heart felt like it paused or stalled like a car and then went back into nOrmal rhythm. I'm sO scared! Has anyone else had this? :(

03-03-11, 21:08
No need to worry - read the symtoms - palpitations and ectopics adn you will find nearly everyone on here has what you are describing. It sounds very like ectopic heartbeats which are completely harmless and feel just like your heart stops then gives a big thump and goes back to normal. what is happening is a harmless extra beat so your heart which is very clever pauses to get back in time and then gives a harder beat to empty the heart properly. EVeryone has these extra beats they are a normal part of your heart but anxious people get huge more and feel them. Drs don't even tell people they have them on ecg is the patient does not feel them!

Your Dr can always listen to your heart and reassure you but they are a normal variation in heartbeat according to a cardiologist I saw a few weeks ago.

03-03-11, 21:14
This type of things happens to many of us. For me it seems worse when i don't feel anxious at all and then it happens I have panic until I can convice myself that I have had this before and nothing bad came of it. Good luck

04-03-11, 18:35
Thank you for your replies, so appreciated. The reason it really got to me was because I had about 20 in a row before they went back to normal.

05-03-11, 00:38
Hi Ames - I can feel your anxiety as I feel the same thing and describe it exactly The same way!!! It's taken me 3 years to believe the doctor that they are ectopics!
Have you been to your doctor? I recommend going and just saying what you said here. A few simple tests will put your mind at ease. I know it sounds easy for anyone to say this but just read through the posts like countrygirl said and you will see you are not alone..... X

18-04-11, 16:49
I am suffering the same problem and finding them very difficult to deal with. I've had all the tests which have come back saying benign ectopic beats.

Worth getting them checked out if you haven't done already just to be on the safe side but it certainly sounds like your standard ectopic heartbeat.
