View Full Version : Anxiety condition has made me lazy

03-03-11, 20:59
My anxiety condition over the months has got quite bad as I feel really lazy..I'd happily sit on a PC all day forever right now..even going to the toilet, going a walk takes a massive push for me..my muscles ache, I just feel too addicted to looking at the PC. When I'm out I'm not really relaxed..

Like I lost my job and I have felt so lazy I duno how I can find another. I'm fed up being single but I'm too lazy to go on a date but part of it is fear of anxiety when I'm out.

I've been referred by the doctor to a psychologist but still worry I'm ill due to health anxiety. I feel really run down, spaced out, glued eyes to a PC all day I see no way out..I mean I guess I feel better sometimes with self help but being honest I actually can't be bothered..I just keep going round in circles to why I feel this way..I don't understand it working use to help me but over the months my lateness and laziness cost me my job. Why have I become so lazy? :unsure:

03-03-11, 21:47
You need to get up and out - even just for a walk.

It must be nice to have the luxury of doing nothing all day!

No wonder you are tired - you are bored !

03-03-11, 21:51
Hi Phil

Sounds like depression to me along with the anxiety . I didn,t know how low i,d got , it was my doctor who spotted it and put me on citralapram .

I lost all interest in everything and never went out of the house . It was only the need to earn money (self employed and a mortage ) with 3 dependents that slowly forced me back plus the meds helped along with a good doctor . I only relised i was severly depression when i started to feel better ie...i then knew how depression i was . I didn,t wash / shower /go out /get of the couch etc etc .
The more i forced myself the better i got . Good luck with it fella , i hope you get over this .

03-03-11, 22:37
You feel lazy because you are vegetating, you have no stimulation at all sitting at a PC all day. The reason you can't be bothered is because you are lazy, the reason you are lazy is because you can't be bothered to make the effort. That simply seems your circle. Get up, go somewhere for the day. If you are panicy then go to another place where no one knows you. If you panic when alone, go to visit your family or friends. Go to the cinema, get some air. Living in your own air constantly is terrible for your physical and mental state.
Just my tuppence but I don't it is a difficult one.

04-03-11, 09:21
You told us the other day you had been to the doctors, and they had told you to go out for at least 30 minutes a day ???

The reason you complain about your eyes hurting is because you are staring at a screen all day.

You arent going to get anywhere, or get any better until you start taking responsibility yourself and making an effort !

04-03-11, 10:10
i feel like that, completely cant be bothered to do anything. i cant even bebothered to go to work sometimes. ive am on a few days annual leave and all ive done is pop to the shops, surf the net, watch tv, oh i did go to the gym, which was good. but i feel tired, knackered, legs ache. ive been doing exercise and classes but its a struggle and nothings helping.
i too cant be bothered to go to on a date! making small talk is something i hate anyway. i cant wait to meet someone and maybe then i will feel happier, but i cant be bothered to do anything about it!

04-03-11, 10:17
I'm afraid I'm with Nicola and Mike on this one - in the end, we all have to take responsibility for ourselves. It's part of the process of getting better, and unfortunately sometimes it's not very pleasant as we have to realise that we can't make excuses for ourselves. I've hid behind anxiety many times, and I know it's made me over-cautious and as a consequence of that, there are times when I should have pushed myself, and I haven't. That makes me cross, but there's no point just turning the anger in on myself, I've got to get on with it!

04-03-11, 13:52
Tiredness, not sadness, is the major symptom of depression (so I've heard, I'm not a doctor). To overcome depression you need to excercise which will release 'feel good' hormones, endorphines. Therefore you NEED to get out. It's up to you! x

04-03-11, 14:30
ive been feeling like you describe but like the others say,you have to push yourself to go out....ive got 3 kids to take care of and would do me no good sat here allday thinking about my anxiety & depression before you feel happy and have the energy to do stuff going out every day for walk,jog whatever you will pick up. xx :)

i know its hard but ive found i cant let the medication do everythin for me i gotta help myself along with them.

hope you feel better soon xx

04-03-11, 20:35

You have lost sight of your main goals in life - do you remember what those are? Before you can start working towards them, you need to identify them and the steps you have to take in order to attain them.

04-03-11, 21:42
Sometimes the less you do the less you want to do. I find using my laptop for long periods saps me of energy at times.
Just forcing yourself to get up, getting a shower and going for a walk makes all the difference to how you can feel, even when it is the last thing you feel like doing.
If you are depressed, then try and fight it as much as you can by doing some sort of exercise. It is worth making the effort to get motivated, even when you don't feel like it. It will help lift how you feel.

04-03-11, 22:45
Apathy, Phil.

I think the fact that you wrote this thread is a posotive step. You have identified you are not happy with your situation. I think the phrase " The devil makes work for idle hands" This is so true, Dont take it literally but when you have time to think too much your problems seem to get worse. Taking your mind off it by going out to college or getting a job on a PC would be a great move.

I hope you find the motivation to build your life back up again soon.


05-03-11, 15:06
There is also the fact, Phil, that sitting doing nothing all day doesn't hurt as much - am I right?

You're not in touch with people who you may find an irritation or a disappointment.
You're not out trying to enjoy yourself - with only a panic attack for your trouble.

Your current thinking will be therefore "what's the point in doing anything with anyone? I will not enjoy it. I will come off worse. I will panic. It will make me unhappy".

Am I right?

05-03-11, 23:22
There is also the fact, Phil, that sitting doing nothing all day doesn't hurt as much - am I right?

You're not in touch with people who you may find an irritation or a disappointment.
You're not out trying to enjoy yourself - with only a panic attack for your trouble.

Your current thinking will be therefore "what's the point in doing anything with anyone? I will not enjoy it. I will come off worse. I will panic. It will make me unhappy".

Am I right?

I have found days I get up at 8/9am I am least anxious. Each hour I sleep on the worse my day is. Today I slept until 12.30pm and did nothing the other day I was more active.

06-03-11, 15:18
I have found days I get up at 8/9am I am least anxious. Each hour I sleep on the worse my day is. Today I slept until 12.30pm and did nothing the other day I was more active.

That's interesting. So too much sleep makes you feel worse?

06-03-11, 16:55
Sometimes even though you dont feel like doing things you have to force yourself. Sitting and doing nothing is the worst thing you could do. Excercise is one of the best things for you. When I was at my worst I ordered a treadmill and went on it every day...didnt feel like it but it really helped and I found after doing a stint on that and then showering I felt much better.


06-03-11, 17:03
Theres a lot to be said for getting up early ( set your alarm !! ) get out and walk for an hour in the fresh air