View Full Version : Long Long Road

03-03-11, 21:31
I am finding it a stuggle this week to see light at the end of the tunnel. I start my new tablets tomorrow. I have been taking Quetiapine the last 2 nights and it has been making my dreams seem very real and making me feel even more confused in the morning as I swore blind it was Saturday today.

I went and saw my boss today and he is trying to find a way to get me back to work. I expressed concern that if I went back and had an episode that it would set me back even further.

My body feels like absolute lead most days. Almost like if I fell on the floor that I would never get back up. All the pleasure for life has drained and that nothing happy sticks in my mind long enough. No focus on the plans I wanted for myself and my family. Feels like I am chucking it all away and that I don't care.

Feel emotionally empty:weep: