View Full Version : new symptoms again

03-03-11, 22:43
Hi not sure if ive put this post in the right place :shrug:
but does anybody else have the same problem with new symptoms not so much on a daily base but maybe monthly,yearly.But its like you start getting use to (if you can) how your anxiety panics feel and start to believe that it is just your nerves so then bang out of no where your anxiety/panic changes symptoms.
Like mine last year i was very panicky about being sick and constantly felt sick,hot,tight chested and difficulty in breathing right and thought i had stomach problems,chest problems but now that is more or less undercontrol so my body and mind decided to give me something else to worry about this time being my heart so now my feelings have changed to heart pounding,racing and fearing they is a problem with my heart :huh:
Im sure my body is just out to keep my anxiety levels up :mad:

03-03-11, 23:09
Its called Health Anxiety or Hypochondria . Most sufferers are like this .Ask your Dr for some CBT ,it will help you .And dont google symptoms ..Sue x

03-03-11, 23:24
Im on the waiting list for cbt and im very lucky ive also got a very understanding dr who has told me to keep going to see him for reassurance until i get to see the therapist Just wish I could believe the doctor when he tells me my symptoms are my anxiety :shrug:

03-03-11, 23:25

Don't worry i suffer with health anxiety too and my anxiety always suprises me with new sensations. I keep getting a new one, head pressure! i have had anxiety for 13 years and never had that one. But im sure its associated to it so i am not going to let my mind take over and convince myself its a brain tumour or something just as deadly. Im sure its a way of anxiety keeping us on our toes, if we don't laugh we cry....
Anyway don't worry there is nothing wrong with your heart, keep telling yourself that and eventually the sensation will go away.


03-03-11, 23:56
hi natty hun i have head pressure bad too ...and i also had very bad health anx and i do have differnt symtoms everyday its stressfull hun ...try to hang in there..and ride it out..tc hun

04-03-11, 15:17
Hi Ktg I can totally relate - I though I had this health anxiety sussed. I am aware of the tight lump in throat and dizzy kind of feelings, racing heart etc but out of the blue when I was feeling happy and not stressed I get these weird abdominal symptoms. I posted yday in fact. Lovely peeps on here are reassuring me that my symptoms are common ones for anxiety but it is horrible how this pesky health anxiety manages to mutate and try to trick you again :)

Really sucks doesn't it xxx