View Full Version : New to the site GAD Sufferer

04-03-11, 00:34
Hi all my name is Jamie i'm new to this site decided to go in search of a group where i can talk to people about GAD cause my mates just don't get it which in there defense is fair enough it's a hard thing to get your head around.
I'm 18 and live in england have been suffering from GAD since early 2010 but have only come to terms and found out that i actually suffer From GAD in the last 6 months after a fair lot of googling my symptoms and narrowing it down.

I've always had slight anxiety just from small things like visiting the dentist and i think over time it just got steadily worse but i didn't realise it was anxiety i'd just wake up in the morning feeling not very well nauseaus, hot, feeling like my throat was maybe blocked or tighter harder to breathe etc but didn't think much of it as it was just on the odd occasion but last year it started to develop in to something alot worse waking up everyday needing the toilet alot throwing up, most of the times just throwing up bile after not eating anything for so long because of the thought of food just making me feel worse my appetite was affected greatly my social life even going to work and college became a struggle having to leave both on daily occurences due to throwing up struggling to breath etc sometimes with my heart beating in weird rythms etc. I eventually decided to visit my GP and after some time settled on the idea that it was an Gastro-espophegal Acid Reflux and Gastritis so after months of changing my diet and taking so much pills its crazy (acid reflux pills etc) i went back and persisted it wasnt they decided to send me to have blood tests again to no prevail then i got send for an ultrasound much to my friends, little sister and girlfriends Delight thinking it was incredibly funny a boy going for an ultrasound LOL! again nothing, after a few more months of ridiculous pain inconvenience and throwing up whenever i visited my girlfriend etc i decided to google all my symptoms and game across GAD.
=D What an amazing feeling it was to come across something that basically described me in a nut shell showed it to my mum and she acknowledged it was exactly what i was like i went to the doctor and he again acknowledged that i indeed had GAD and then decided to reveal that he also had contemplated i had it but didnt wish to tell me as to maybe make it worse lol what an idiot such a relief to know what it is so i can now work on it and try to sort things out. My situation has started to improve luckily i have a girlfriend and family that understand and help me through everything and things have improved i can see my girlfriend without resorting to throwing up being uncontrollably hot and needing the toilet consitently but i still have a few issues, after eating i feel sick most of the time, my appetite is still affected eating alot less and even the thought of food pts me off sometimes, i always go to the toilet after eating when ever im home i have a fan on me to keep me cool, even when im cold i still hav eit on :S, especially when i sleep even in the winter lol much to my girlfriends delight (NOT!) lol and my propranalol doesn't seem to help maybe i need to up my dosage any ideas??
All in all my life is better but still affected By GAD just wanted to know other peoples thoughts on my matter if anyones in the same sort of boat as me and what coping methods people have?

Thanks for taking the time to read :) look forward to hearing from you all.

JAY :)

04-03-11, 00:35

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.