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View Full Version : Sertraline and Depersonalization/Derealization

04-03-11, 01:55
I've only been on Sertraline for 3 days (25mg). Has anyone experienced depersonalization/derealization as a side effect and how long did it last?


05-03-11, 12:45
yes I've had those when starting on sertraline, they can feel very scary but are harmless. My advice to you is to accept them meerly as a side effect to the meds and do not worry too much about it. Such symptoms usually subside after 1-2 weeks

09-03-11, 23:33
you know it didnt occur to me that this was a side effect of sertraline. i had this a while , but its gone now, not totally but its better than it was. tbh i think high anxiety state causes this as i had it before i took sertraline, but once i was on this meds i had it for weeks, i used to hate waking up. im on 200mg a day :(