View Full Version : Whats wrong with me????????????????????

04-03-11, 05:20
I started having a cold after my wife about two weeks ago.. she was coughing and sneezing and sore throat and a little fever..Hers went was almost gone and mine started..Coughing ,sore throat and runny nose watery eyes and sneezing..etc. Body aches .. no real fever.. Hers finally went away..at the time it was still cold here..Now the days are feeling more like spring and maybe even an early summer.The trees are blooming and pollen is everywhere.

Most of the time I feel as though my whole body is swollen.. yet I cannot find anything that really looks swollen.I feel its hard to breathe but when it comes down to it when im moving around I can breathe ok.. I feel so so very tired.. all the time.We sleep late usually around 3am to 5 am and most days I cannot sleep late., im up by 10 am.. Im wondering if this has anything to do with the way I feel.. I have been sooo very tired.. just feel like laying down doing nothing and I do feel a little short of breath although im not wheezing or really having issues breathing. I am hurting all over and still coughing a little.. .My throat seems to be ok.. but I just don't feel myself. I have periods where I felt nervous and a little stressed and one day out of the blue i had a panic attack that I just had panic come over
me for no reason and it seemed to never stop,

My heart rate stays abouot 72 to 80.. but sometimes I feel a little dizzy and my vision feels a little..
Im wondering if maybe all the sleep has finally caught up with me and is getting to me. I feel like I have the flu yet don't really have any flus systems.. could this all be from just being tired?

Oh yeah..for the last few months.. when I tilt my head back it feels as though i have a lump behind my head yet when i straighten my head if feels ok and I don't feel a lump.I have had bad posture for years and wondering if maybe its that and its just now catching up with me making me feel uncomfortable?

Im a mess and can't figure out just what is wrong with me.. If any of you can help me I would sure appreciate it. I dont want to got to dr google looking up the symptoms I have because I could end up dying of fright .. all the feelings I have described I just know they would come up with something like heart issues,,lung issues ,diabetes,high blood pressure or something horrible.. HELP HELP HELP Please?..

04-03-11, 05:23
have youi gone to a doctor?

04-03-11, 05:25
Also have had weird headaches and i never get these..Yesterday I felt as though every bone in my body hurt including my skull and jaws..Kind of like you have been doing very hard exercise and now feeling the effects but I havent been exercising.. Could this be a case of flu or just allergies and a cold and staying up to late.. Please advise. Michael

04-03-11, 05:28
No Mellisa, haven't .. don't want to go.. I mean.. I can get around and do things ok..Im just feeling tired.. maybe its staying up to late or ,a cold or allergies or both.. But I really don't want to go to the doctor thats why im hoping someone can suggest something here. Im not losing no weight.. appetite is ok.. not nauseated or nothing throwing up .. so im kind of wondering..

04-03-11, 18:04
HELLO?Anybody? Anybody?

04-03-11, 18:27
Hi Michael

I can so sympathise with you and your feelings. I am new to this site so have only just come across your post. I have suffered with anxiety issues and chronic fatigue syndrome for some years so I can relate some of this issues you mention in your post. I had a similar experience last year following a chest infection and complications and feel a lot better now although not really recovered. I too have bad posture from years of sitting at computers and also Osteopenia which is the start of Osteoporosis so I have neck problems too. I have been having a lot of pains in my neck and shoulders going into my head and then behind my ear, which my doctor tells me could be neuralgia, which is a condition linked to your nerves or so I believe. I am taking some medication now for chronic pain but I dont think its kicked in yet still early days. I've done the same thing as you bending my neck back and then thinking I've felt a lump but you know what Michael I think its only the way your skin folds and then once you straighten your neck it disappears, kind of freaky though isnt it, had me worried for a while. Its amazing how anxiety can trick the body and makes you think you have every illness in the world. I would urge you to go to the doctors and have yourself checked, I know its scary but if you are lucky enough to find a sympathetic doctor it will mean the world to you. It sounds as if you are stuck in a vicious circle right now but hey, we've all been there. I would just say try and find a form of distraction, that normally helps me shut out the thoughts coming from my mind. Make sure you get lots of rest and sleep and try taking a good multi vitamin to try and boost your immune system. I'll be around if you ever want to talk.
Take care and good luck

14-03-11, 06:49
Hi Gill ,

Thanks for answering me..My neck.. well feels weird..can't put my finger on it exactly but no doubt is caused from my posture in someway. I stand up straight.. real straight and its a pain to do but I can do it.. and the feeling goes away but then if I just relax any at all it feels as if something is stuck on my neck at the base and in the back.

It actually feels like there is a knot there or lump but when I straighten up no knot or lump..I am worried it might be an anyurism or something but then it would stick out all the time. I just know its uncomfortable and just doesn't feel right.. I wish I knew what was going on with it but don't want to go to the doctor so I guess I will just keep trying to figure out what to do.Thanks for writing and I appreciate it so much. Michael

14-03-11, 09:39
Hi Michael

In the end, you won't know for sure what's going on unless you go and see a doctor - I know that's not what you want to do, but unfortunately we can't diagnose you. There's a number of non-serious things it could be, like residual fatigue from the virus you've had, or maybe even hayfever if there is lots of pollen around.

But that's just a guess - I'm sure you'd actually feel better if you got a bit of reassurance from a professional, and they may well be able to give you something to help your symptoms.