View Full Version : Amitryptiline for anxiety?

04-03-11, 07:04
Probably spelt totally wrong but never mind! Does anyone have experience of this for anxiety? Dr has prescribed me 10mg nightly but I am concerned about its sedating properties. My anxiety/panic is occasional, does get worse hormonally and I do have the odd panic atttack which I ride through with breathing and positive thinking. I have gone through a stressful patch where I did wake early but this has more or less eased and I have absolutely no problems getting to sleep (usually for 10pm) If I take it at this time I am concerned that when I wake up for work at 6.30am I will be drowsy as this appears to be a side effect, and likewise if I take it any earlier that I will fall asleep sooner. Any expereinces or thoughts would be welcome - thanks :)

04-03-11, 09:01
Hi Amethyst

Amitriptyline is one of the old-fashioned anti-depressants that were the main treatment before the SSRI drugs were invented. I've just looked the dosage up in the British National Formulary (the book that doctors and pharmacists use; I have to use it at work sometimes) and 10 mg is the smallest dose that you can take. Normally for controlling depression the dose would be around 75mg, but the maximum daily dose permissible is 200 mg.

Therefore if you do decide to give them a try, I wouldn't worry too much about taking 10 mg. I took them years ago and as far as I remember, they were fine. I was having a lot of problems with sleep disturbances at the time and they seemed to work.

Hope this helps.

04-03-11, 09:50
I was prescribed this for chronic pain.

10mg then 20mg it helped me sleep well for about a month then did nothing. The specialist said anxiety was contributing towards the pain so switched me to 75mg Dosulepin another older tricyclic. Dosulepin seemed to calm my anxiety for a while but after 4 months it was ineffective. My doctor said the dose was too low to control my anxiety and did not like me taking dosulepin he suggested switching to Citalopram, which I am now doing.

Having said this 10-20mg of amitriptyline can be very effective long term for sleep and chronic pain problems in some people. You should take the amitriptyline 12 hours before the time you want to get up.

04-03-11, 10:20
Agree on this - amitriptyline is one of those drugs that has ended up being used for all sorts of things, from controlling migraine to relieving IBS. It's even sometimes used for bedwetting!!

04-03-11, 17:09
10mgs its a small dose, doesnt make me feel drowsy or have any problems waking early. If you do get excessively tired go back to your doc, good luck!

04-03-11, 17:21
Hi, I take 20mg at night, I have no probs in the morning x

04-03-11, 19:28
You will not have much probs on 10mg, you will probably find yourself back to raise the dose as it will do little.
I used them years ago but ended in me feeling dirty once the dosage got so high through tolerance. They did help but I ended up abusing them the more used to them I became. I think I ended up taking about 120mg and more when I could get them.
I wouldn't use them long term.
There are cleaner better drugs out there these days.

07-03-11, 07:11
Thanks folks and apologies for delay in replying - been away for weekend near Lindisfarne. Couple of panic attacks whilst away but dealt with them. Your comments are much appreciated and I think bearing in mind I do not want to start a cycle of starting tablets then needing to increase then switching to something else I may give them a wide berth. Have tried citalopram but side effect were hideous so I think acceptance and time might be the way forward. Plus 12 hrs before I need to wake up would mean taking them at 6pm which surely as a sedative would be a little too early???

07-03-11, 20:00
I take 10mg at around 4.30pm as I get up for work at 6.15am at 10mg I don't find they make me drousy at all they do seem to be helping a little even at such a low dose. I too have had bad effects from the newer meds so these where my last resort. I suffer from panic attacks, general anxiety and trying to overcome agraphobia. I was given these to ease migraine but they have helped my anxiety too.
Good luck

Hazel B
08-03-11, 22:24
I have 10mg at night for pain pre and post gallbladder operation, it's helped the pain (off licence use for pain as someone has also said). What helped my anxiety most was: Propranolol, counselling, a good doctor, good support from close family and friends and changing my lifestyle. It was a battle but I'm getting there.