View Full Version : Please reply, feel like im going mad!

04-03-11, 09:20
The last few days i have felt really weird, like im not here, like im going mad, like im not human! i cant shake it off and its making me feel very uneasy and scared, i darednt go out anywhere in case i collaspse and die because i just feel like i dont exist anymore!

i need help, please tell me im not insane and it will go away.:weep:

04-03-11, 10:23
OK, you're not insane and it will go away. Don't know whether that will help you much right now though!

What you're suffering from is depersonalisation/derealisation and it's really, really common with anxiety - I've had it dozens of times over a 30-year period and I'm still alive.

Are you having any treatment from your doctor? If not, I recommend you go and see him/her as there are things they can do to help.

04-03-11, 10:34
When you get like this it is very hard to deal with but you must keep faith it will stop and you won't come to any harm. Try to keep yourself occupied doing anything that takes your mind off the way you are feeling. I tried to learn to juggle! Read a book, do some embroidery, try drawing an object in your house in as much detail as possible. Puzzle books are also a great distraction. Take care and keep faith.

04-03-11, 12:10
its just a bit of depersonalization sweetie nothing to worry about, its a common side effect of anxiety! dont worry it will pass and youl get over it. Search for common threads because quite alot of people on here get it

04-03-11, 12:21
Please don't worry about it hun. Last year I had exactly the same for what felt like an eternity. It will pass, honest. You must try to distract yourself with something you enjoy doing. I know how unpleasant it is but the more attention you give it the longer it stays. Take care x

04-03-11, 19:20
Yes it's very hard to have this feeling... I hate this feeling the most in the world... It's hard to find something to distract yourself... everyday is hard to find something. Hang on there and hope you manage to get through.

Starry xx

06-03-11, 09:41
thank you, after havong a long think about it i have realised my usual anxiety about cancer ect has gone and i think im now anxious about going insane1 maybe thats why this feeling has appeared because im anxious about going mad and now the anxiety is trying to make me believe i am going mad?!

06-03-11, 18:59
hey i totally know what yr going through, and it feels awful, its like something terrible is going to happen to you, i have been feeling like this for the last few days and wen i think about it too much i think i am going insane as well, and that my children will be taken away and i will be locked up!! all irrational stuff i know but very real when u can't stop thinking about it :( in reality my kids don't even know what is going on for me as i am trying to carry on as normal, but i certainly don't feel normal.. it helps to read that others have/are going through it and that it is just anxiety related but as i am normally such a "coper" i am finding this really tough going and have been quite upset the past few days, hope u feel better soon, Esme xx