View Full Version : Weird sensations

04-03-11, 10:06
Hi All
Well I'm new here and hopefully I will find a lot of people who are going to be understand how I feel.
I have struggled with anxiety and nerves for most of my adult life but in the last year things have just got a lot worse. It came on after a chest infection that I had this time last year, when I was diagnosed with something called Costochondritis (no please dont go googling it, I'll tell you what it is) basically it just means inflammation of the cartilidge between the ribs which comes on after a trauma to the chest caused by an accident, vigorous exercise or the strain of too much coughing (which is how I got it). It is a very painful condition and every movement of the upper torso makes it worse. I took anti inflammatories for a while and that did help, but it only went when I took time off work and literally sat at home doing nothing. However, it can turn into a chronic condition and that is what it seems to have done with me, its back now and shows no sign of going any time soon. Well as you are all aware one thing often leads to another and I also have a problem with my spine in the lower lumber region and also at the top of my spine which affects my neck. Following an MRI I was also diagnosed with Osteopenia, which is the start of Osteoporosis (which runs in the family) and I now take calcium supplements for that to keep it under control. All of which worries me to death as you can imagine. Now I seem to get all kinds of random pains throughout my body ranging from aches to sharp stabbing pains. I feel as if I live at the doctors these days and although he is sympathetic and supportive I sometimes feel as if he doesnt know what to do with me next. Last time I saw him he put me on medication for chronic pain but I think they take a while to kick in so its a bit of a wait and see situation, I have to go back and see him in a couple of weeks. The thing that is worrying me most is that I now have a weird sensation of cold in my lower body. Its as if my legs and buttocks are cold but when I touch them they feel warm and when I wear trousers it seems to be worse, I dont like the feeling its just so, so strange. This came on just before I started taking the latest lot of medication so its not down to that. Since finding this website I have decided not to seek advice from Dr Google anymore after all that just makes us all feel 100% worse doesnt it, but I have been guilty in the past and have tried to convince myself that I have everything going, even though lots of tests have come back fine. I feel as if I am on some stupid merry-go-round which I just cant seem to get off. If anyone experiences any of the symptoms I have mentioned or just has any words of advice it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much for taking the time to read I know its gone on a bit.


08-03-11, 16:02
hiya hun,

I dont have the same problem as you, but i thought i would reply. I dont know if you are experiencing anxiety symptoms, but when i have a panic attack, parts of my body feel numb sometimes and sometimes i get pins and needles too. not sure if this is the same! If im having a really bad attack i get chest pain too.
do you think it could be anxiety attacks? xx