View Full Version : spending life waiting for medical test results

04-03-11, 13:13
Hi everyone
I'm feeling very low at the mo with my HA. Have been having endless medical tests for several months for my back pain/abnormal blood tests and currently waiting for x ray results.
Does anyone have any advice on how to cope/what to do when you are waiting for the results of tests and feeling scared. I spend most of it crying, too scared to be alone and having visions of myself in hospital on my deathbed. I cant do much to distract me as my back pain prevents me from doing anything active.
I used to think that each time I get a test result that will be the end of it but it never gives them enough to say whats wrong so they just send me for more tests.
the only thing I find helps is reading the NMP forum as I know I'm not alone in my struggle.

04-03-11, 13:20

I get like this too whilst waiting for test results. I tend to feel like I don't want to do anything whilst waiting, but I find the best way is distraction because the time will pass quickily and you might even find you enjoy yourself.

I make myself get out and about because if you just think about your results all the time you will make yourself feel so ill and time will pass so slowly.

I know the wait is horrible. Hope this has helped a bit.


04-03-11, 13:25
Thanx. It really sux that so many of us have to spend so much time feeling like this. I will def try and get out over the weekend as the sun is shining here.