View Full Version : weird feelings and scared

04-03-11, 16:15
i havent been on for a while because since being changed from citalopram to sertraline i have been coping with my anxiety pretty well but for the last couple of days i have been having strange symptoms its like my body is dying to twitch like im going to have a fit and i have been feeling weaker on my left side and light headedness i dont know whether its because i am due a b12 jab next week because i have pernicious anemia these symptoms are really scaring me incase its something serious and also mylimbs really jerk just as im falling tosleep which then wake me up any help would be appreiciated

04-03-11, 21:49
I know it's the weekend now but you could give the out of hours doctor a call? They'll know what's what so could put your mind at ease if it's really bothering you :)

13-03-11, 22:58
Interesting read because I had the sleep/jerking issues when on citalopram (which I have just come off). It happened mostly out of bed for some reason, like dozing on the sofa, sometimes my entire arm would jerk out, and a few times my whole body would jolt, in fact it became quite comical and that was the best way to deal with it, look at the funny side if you can. I also remember this happened many decades ago when on Clomipramine (not sure if I have spelled that right) too, so it's definitely a side effect of antidepressants for me.