View Full Version : I promise Gastroscopy (Endoscopy) is not at all scary

04-03-11, 16:26
Hi everyone
I had mine this morning after panicking for aweek about it! I asked for max sedation and honestly didn't know a thing about it! Last thing I remember they asked me to lay on my side, then I woke up in bed and asked if it had been done!
Being an HA sufferer, apparantly whilst I was still dozy the consultant came round and said nothing to worry about, no cancer, nothing life threatening and apparantly I said I was relieved as I was thinking I would have to plan my funeral!
No biopsy necessary. She said just inflammed stomach like 25% of population, so I will need Omeprazole again for about a month, then she thinks it will have settled down.
They also did ultrasound of my gallbladder and again nothing found.
Don't know why I am losing weight though?
Have to go back in a week and see if I've put on weight.

04-03-11, 16:30
Hi There
That is great news that everything is okay
Do you think it could be your anxiety that is making you loose weight
I said when I had mine I cant remember a thing about them.


04-03-11, 16:39
Thats great news, how much do you eat per day in kcals?

I used to eat 4-5000 a day then when the anxiety set it i find I am bloated 99% of the time and find it hard to eat 1500 a day. Sure there are a few people like that on here as well.

04-03-11, 17:14
well done you - thats really brave. I'm so glad everything is ok. You should feel really proud of yourself.


04-03-11, 18:24
Told you so!

04-03-11, 21:33
hi everyone
i had mine this morning after panicking for aweek about it! I asked for max sedation and honestly didn't know a thing about it! Last thing i remember they asked me to lay on my side, then i woke up in bed and asked if it had been done!
Being an ha sufferer, apparantly whilst i was still dozy the consultant came round and said nothing to worry about, no cancer, nothing life threatening and apparantly i said i was relieved as i was thinking i would have to plan my funeral!
No biopsy necessary. She said just inflammed stomach like 25% of population, so i will need omeprazole again for about a month, then she thinks it will have settled down.
They also did ultrasound of my gallbladder and again nothing found.
Don't know why i am losing weight though?
Have to go back in a week and see if i've put on weight.

so glad i read this mine is on 22nd and am so scared but now knowing i can have sedation i will feel alot better and hopefully nothing major is wrong am panicing constant thinking about it x

04-03-11, 22:01
Great! Honeyp!e, please believe this...I have had 2 and I knew nothing! I was so much more scared about this than having a colonoscopy, the thought of swallowing a tube but I had 100% unawareness of this procedure. If they told you you will be asleep, you will be. They call it sedation but I knew nothing! When I went in the room the first time, I was ready to jump off the table. I said "I can't do this" and the doctor reassured me. he was so right. Please don't work yourself up over this. You wake up and will wonder when they're going to start!

05-03-11, 15:14
Great! Honeyp!e, please believe this...I have had 2 and I knew nothing! I was so much more scared about this than having a colonoscopy, the thought of swallowing a tube but I had 100% unawareness of this procedure. If they told you you will be asleep, you will be. They call it sedation but I knew nothing! When I went in the room the first time, I was ready to jump off the table. I said "I can't do this" and the doctor reassured me. he was so right. Please don't work yourself up over this. You wake up and will wonder when they're going to start!

i no i need it doing ASAP as i dont want to live with all these symptoms not knowing what they are but i no once this has been done and if it comes back as nothing wrong with me then at least my mind can settle and i can learn to live with this xx