View Full Version : breathing

04-04-06, 11:13
i know i have talked about breathing before but this morning i have woke up and i am struggling to get a breath. i feel as though breathing through my nose is a struggle to and i can t seem to correct it. it feels different type of breathing problem and i know im not making meself very clear but its freaking me out.

i khink my period is due so that could be it. could it? also it feels a bit of sinus thing as it is a struggle through the nose.

either way it feels all wrong. had a pretty anxious day yeasterday. could that be it.

cant help but feel my wee heart has had enough

any one got any reassurance for me. i hate needing it but i feel i do

thanks for reading this


04-04-06, 15:56
Hi Jackie, I am sure it’s nothing to worry about; I have had anxiety that long now on and off and can relate to what you are saying. We seem to take to much notice of whets happening to our body and usually I have found it goes just as it came. Everyone gets different aches, pains and different feeling in there bodies but we notice them more and worry instead of just ignore them? I fully understand what you mean this type of breathing is different to the usual one you get, I am doing that all the time this cough is so different, and it does go, this pain is so different but they all do seem to go as they came, so I think its just normal body reaction and us stressing out on top of it. Take care, hope you feel better soon. Vernon

april tones
04-04-06, 19:02
hi jackie, read my posts on this! panic or was it something else? in panic section and symptoms

fibrochat) http://apriltones.proboards54.com

05-04-06, 23:18
I had a very similar a few weeks back. I seemed to be having trouble with my breathing and my heart was racing, even to the point that when I walked up and down the stairs I was nearly out of breath. I was very worried and ended up going to A&E where I had an ECG and chest x-ray which both showed up normal. The doctor said it could have been a virus of some sort but could equally have been severe anxiety, I still don't know for sure but it felt really scary.

06-04-06, 11:53
I have a simlar thing today, I suffer with my breathing due to chornic hyperventilation syndrome, I was starting to make good progress but yesterday I had a job interivew and since then my heart hasn't stopped racing and this morning my body is trying to force me to overbreathe, I've been stifling yawns all morning. I've put it down to the stressful day yesterday and I'm trying to stay calm about it.

Just try to tell yourself that it is the anxiety and that's all!