View Full Version : My appointment

04-04-06, 11:44
Last night I posted because I'd been feeling nervous on and off all day about today's appointment. I knew my therapist was taking me to the clinic, just to sit outside, and almost 2 miles away from where I live. I did the journey when I saw her a fortnight ago and that time I hadn't known where we were going, but this time I did and so I kept thinking about it and getting nervous.

This morning I was more nervous and feeling scared and when she met me outside my gate I told her. She talked to me and we drove. She said she wouldn't expect more than what we did last time and as we drove she talked to me and I got to the clinic! I thought I'd have a panic attack because I was so nervous, but I didn't and to my suprise my anxiety went down and I managed to sit for 5 minutes or more in the car outside the clinic with the car door open and also sat with my legs swung round outside the car for a bit.

We then drove back and she asked if I wanted to try get out at my local shop. I said I did. Last time I got out and almost ran to the railings and was more anxious. But this time I walked to the railings outside the shop and stood there a bit then walked back to the car, stood there a bit and got back in and we drove home.

My anxiety wasn't that bad at all, and my therapist was happy with me too.


04-04-06, 12:05
Well Done Heather

Great to hear you news

Im so pleased that your appointment went really well.

Knew you could do it.

Take Care



Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

04-04-06, 14:39
well done heather.

anticipationary anxiety of an upcoming event is usually worse than the real event itself. as you keep pushing yourself through it, you will learn to deal with it.

take care .. andrew

04-04-06, 14:46
Well Done Heather :D

I love reading success stories as they give me hope that I can succeed too.

Take care.


04-04-06, 19:08
Thank you Alex, Andrew and Spice. :D


04-04-06, 21:37
well done for you heather you have done really well today keep it up and let us know how it goes its always that horrible anticipation

take care


04-04-06, 21:40
Well done!
I'm sure it gives every one a boost to read how well you are doing - keep going!

05-04-06, 17:57
Thank you everyone for your replies, it means alot.


05-04-06, 19:10

Good job! You were so worried and you did it. It was nice chatting with you yesterday. Hope to see you in the chatroom again soon. Keep up the good work!


05-04-06, 20:00
Hi Heather

Great news. You coped brilliantly. Well done.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

05-04-06, 20:08

What can is say but bloody well done


06-04-06, 18:08
Thank you Bel, it was nice chatting to you the other day too. Thank you also for your replies Karen and Keith.


08-04-06, 17:10
Well done Heather

Stick at it you are doing really well. Small steps is the way forward and you are getting there.


10-04-06, 22:32
Thank you Nicola.

I can go almost 2 miles to the clinic in the car, but on foot I still can't get off my street.

I keep walking out each day and today when my home support worker came, I walked further than i've been able to get in ages, I've got another half of a fence to walk past and then i'll be at the third house down from me.


10-04-06, 22:45
Good for you Heather that is really great with your progress.

Really pleased for you.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

10-04-06, 23:03
hi heather,

well done, keep up the positive effort. you'll soon be off down the street and into the distance .. tc andrew

11-04-06, 11:30
Thank you Alex and Andrew
