View Full Version : isolated

04-03-11, 23:18
Hi, just need to know that someone is out there. I feel v. alone as I am trying hard to deal with some horrible health & life problems. Because of this I feel v.overwhelmed & on the edge of uncontrollable panic most of the time - which would have a severe effect on my health & probably put me in hospital. Which I dread as I am completely phobic about confinement & physical restriction/loss of personal freedom etc. (thx to years of losing my mobility & having to spend a vast amount of time being bed ridden & housebound all of which has resulted in my current phobic state etc.) I feel that if I go to my doctor, he/she would probably put me in hospital anyway & that is the v.last thing I need or could deal with right now anyway ! Catch 22..... so it continues & I feel hopelessly trapped. More panic! for me I guess that panic is my response to being unable to find a way out of my fears & to be able to get out from under my oppressive & v.real life situations. I was shut in a cellar as a child & also in some other places through out my life, all of which completely freaked me out, so confinement of any kind just pushes all the wrong buttons for me. Sorry to go on, & thx for reading this.

04-03-11, 23:19
Hi krista

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

05-03-11, 01:25
Hi Krista, :welcome: and yes we are out here! Sorry you are having such an awful time. I have a friend whose mother used to shut her in a cupboard when she was a child and she struggles with confined spaces as a result too.

Do you have mobility probs now and why do you think your doc would put you in hosp? Have you had any sort of counselling? Sorry to bombard you with questions, I don't expect you to answer unless you feel comfortable doing so xxx

Vanilla Sky
05-03-11, 12:39
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x